Oh HELL no!
Well, it seems that now that BS19 is off to college, SD15 thinks she can walk around the house on a regular basis half naked! Today, she is bouncing around the house in butt shorts and a sports bra. I don't want to see all that! Of course, if I say something to DH, he will not see any issue with it (as I've brought this up before even when BS19 was at home, and I got "He's not even here, so what is the issue?"). The issue is that this is MY house, and I don't even dress like that and bounce around the house!
tell her yourself.
tell her yourself.
I have, a few times now. All
I have, a few times now. All I get is attitude, and if DH is standing there when I tell her, he gets on to me after she leaves the room..."Why can't she just dress comfortable? She is home, now if she were trying to wear that out it would be a different story." Oh really? That is why the number of times SD15 has walked out of the house in hoochie clothing and DH has said a word about it I can count on one hand! And, he has only made her go change once (he was in a bad mood that day).
Bwahahahaha...SD15 working
Bwahahahaha...SD15 working out? Thanks for the giggle there, meerkat!
I think it all goes back to the respect thing. I mean, I can promise you that if I started walking around the house like that, SD15 would gripe to DH about it, or even be as bold as to tell me I need to put some clothing on. Hmmmmm...maybe I should start doing it just to bug her. I'm sure DH wouldn't complain at all...LOL.
I agree. As long as she isn't
I agree.
As long as she isn't wearing that outside of the house, then it isn't big deal.
I think it is more an issue
I think it is more an issue of respect, which she doesn't have. She has been told that she can wear whatever she like in her room, but if she comes out of her room, she needs to throw clothing on. Goes right with not picking up after herself and everything else she does that seems to be her sending a loud and clear message that she doesn't care what the rules are or who's house it is...she will do what she wants.
leave the house now.. head
leave the house now.. head straight to fredericks of hollywood, pick up some of THE skankiest undies half cup bras etc..
go home. dress in them and prance around the house. let sd have a cow. And tell her when she covers up you will... and yeah... you know come to think of it you have always wanted to be a nudist!
Yeah, that may be a bit
Yeah, that may be a bit much...but I do have my own sports bras to prance around in!
She has been told many times, if there is ANY man living in the house that is not her husband (yeah, I get that these days they shack up, but don't want to give impression that we think that is okay), then she need to cover up! Doesn't matter if it is her dad, her brother, grandfather, etc. It is about modesty, which like a previous poster said, I think this generation of girls has forgotten what that is! One can dress cute and still be covered and not look all hoochie! If that idea isn't instilled at home, then these girls think it is okay to bounce around the world half naked!
guys, it doesnt matter if
guys, it doesnt matter if she's home or if what she is wearing is what "all the kids are wearing". what matters is that it is a HOUSE RULE at Cant's home that this attire is not appropriate or allowed.
the house rule needs to be followed whether her SD or any of you agrees with its level of extremity.
and for someone who made the "everyone wears daisy dukes comment" - there is a BIG difference between daisy dukes and the butt shorts. daisy dukes are very short shorts. the butt shorts fit pretty much like underwear with 1-2 inches of white pocket hanging down.
I dont think it matters so
I dont think it matters so much what she is wearing as opposed as OP has expressed that she doesnt like it, it makes her feel uncomfortable. She has expressed this to both her DH and SD and they have both blown her off..... which is just rude and disrespectful.
THANK YOU!! Like I said...it
THANK YOU!! Like I said...it is the same as the picking up after herself, not taking showers over 15 minutes, etc. There are house rules for a reason! Though it may seem to SD15 like the rule is stupid, it is still a rule that needs to be followed. With SD15 bouncing around half naked, I feel like I can't even invite anyone over to my home! What if the other trainer at the gym needed to stop by and go over some stuff for my on-the-job training (like get me set up on the BodyWorkz system or something), I have to worry about SD15 popping out of her room barely covered! What if one of DH's friend's wanted to stop by? I would be embarrassed! Or worse...what if our Pastor was over for a visit, and SD15 didn't know he was there?
if this were to happen i
if this were to happen i would embarrass SD by saying something like "im sorry you had to see that pastor/trainer/friend/neighbor. SD did not do her laundry as told and therefore her punishment is to walk around in her underwear until its complete".
Oooo...I like that one! She
Oooo...I like that one!
She has been washing clothes today. Kinda shocking!!! It has been a few weeks. Funny thing is that Sunday night, DH told her to do her laundry, and she claimed she didn't have to. But yet, the washer and dryer have been running all day today...less than 48 hours since she said she didn't need to do laundry. I'm guessing DH took a look in her room and felt otherwise.
LOL Tommar!
LOL Tommar!
Don't play games. You deal
Don't play games. You deal with it directly. Do not wait for daddy to catch a clue.
Tell her that she is not to prance around the house half naked. She either gets dressed, wears a robe, or puts on a T-shirt over the sports bra and booty shorts. And enforce it.
LOL @MizFoxie! Sad when you
LOL @MizFoxie! Sad when you have to train your kids like you train the cats!
I would love to go in her room and make things "disappear". Only problem with the sports bras is she actually needs those for guard because she is a bit well endowed. But like everything else that is bought for her "for guard", she ends up wearing that all the time! Like black leggings...she has had them bought for her and told that she is specifically only supposed to wear them for guard (they have required black leggings for their guard uniforms...which come nearly to their knees). Next thing you know, she is wearing them EVERYWHERE as pants with short shirts...and yes, you have the "see through" problem (because she can't wear the thicker ones for guard). Girl knows how to make even otherwise innocent clothing hoochie! Skirts of knee length? She will roll the top to shorten them, or pull them up higher under her shirt. Camis that are intended to be undershirts, because tops are so thin these days, turn into normal shirts (with the girls trying to bounce out of them). Regular t-shirts? Get tied into mid-drift shirts. One can't win! Even if hoochie clothing isn't bought, they seem to make hoochie clothes out of what is provided for them! I'm waiting for her to start cutting up her jeans, using some excuse that they had holes or something (which, by the way, are actually cool on jeans...LOL).