make up to go to what age is ok?
SD is 12 and slowly but surely she is adding a bit more make up every day to go to school. i simply dont like it. I see other girls that were not told to stop at the right time and they look like little prostitutes of the 6th and 7th grade. i think i might be old school but i would leave the make up to go to a party but i believe that to go to school, 12 year old girls should dress appropiately, and wear no make up.
this is not MY problem, it is daddy's problem BUT the reality is that her image represents me when she goes to school.
i already very nicely mentioned it to hubby. blank look on his face.
I would say minimal makeup is
I would say minimal makeup is ok at 12, I would just say set limits like only mascara and lip gloss. The girls who look like clowns are the ones who have wayyyy too much makeup and no idea of how to apply it.
I started around 13-14...
I started around 13-14... with just eyeliner. It moved to mascara and to foundation and bronzer and blush and eyeshadow etc. My inappropriate clothes started at 15-16, stopped/got toned down at 20. Now I wear sweaters and slacks at 22. (What's up with my life) except the occasional free day when I don't have work.
Personally, I think it's an important time in a young woman's life to represent herself with what she wears (or doesn't wear) and to experiment--I started later than most girls, and I was not as adept at doing make-up or dressing myself (catholic school for a large portion of my life--uniforms, no fashion sense) so I made a LOT of mistakes. My parents just grit their teeth and didn't say anything unless it was an important event the family had to go to.
Eh, this is just my opinion. I looked stupid for a while, I know, but now I am more adept at dressing up than the girls who started even later than me and I found the balance between expressing myself and being appropriate--it's a transition everyone needs to go through.
This is just my opinion of course, what is or is not appropriate is for you to decide in your own house. My parents were permissive of me to do so, for the reasons I listed above, and I am grateful for that. I am happy to say that in making those mistakes, I am able to be as fashionable and now people come to me when they want advice on make-up and clothing? I evolved into liking the natural make-up look, which only happened after I did the extreme looks.
Just my experience. Thought it was nice to share.
My SD is 13 and we leave that
My SD is 13 and we leave that up to BM. So for now BM allows her to wear mascara. I just bought her some to keep at our house. SD has the most beautiful blue eyes and mile long eyelashes. So all she needs is a little mascara and she looks great not made up but really cute.
My 14 year old dd wears full
My 14 year old dd wears full makeup-eyeliner, mascara, foundation. Well, I guess not full-she doesnt wear lip stick, gloss, or blush. She really started wearing it midway thru 7th grade last year. She really wasnt interested too much interested until jr. hi and I think that is a fairly appropriate time to get started. My 4th grader likes to wear sparkly lip gloss and play makeup. I let her wear the sparkly lip gloss to school if she wants-the play makeup she uses at home.
Not your issue. Yep, i know
Not your issue. Yep, i know what you mean thwt you feel it also represents you. Loser wore skimpy tight outfits and make up way too early...she looked like a little prostitute...made me uncomfortable and "mom-BM" proud. Reason she' snow a grandma at age 37? Maybe...but it is her daughter.
Dads know nothing about make
Dads know nothing about make up and when girls start wearing it or how much. tell DH that this age is too young for her to be wearing so much. If he wants to do something about it then he can. otherwise, you are stuck.
I don't understand how I was
I don't understand how I was suggesting she blow off his opinion. She gave advice and he blew her off "blank look on his face"
Some of us are dealing with those who are fucking clueless or spineless when it comes to their kids.
What grade is she in? Also,
What grade is she in? Also, is her school an elementary-middle or k-12? I think this makes a difference (it did when I was in school). Either way though, I don't think make-up will make or break a kid. Yes, I remember seeing girls at school who went way overboard, but by mid-high school most of them learned to tone it back.
Admittedly, it is REALLY creepy to see little girls all dolled up and wearing hooker clothes. That is one thing. I would not let FSD out the bathroom door like that, let alone to school. Her dad would blow a blood vessel. However, appropriate-age clothing plus a little light make-up is not that bad. If I could make a rule, I'd say no make-up until 16, but even I didn't follow that. It's not realistic these days.
My mom took me and had mine
My mom took me and had mine done when I was 13. I learned how to put it on and the amount to use from a professional, so it wasn't coming from my "stuffy" mom. It was great. I never looked stupid, and I never got made fun of for looking orange. I had my kit and I knew what to do with it.
Could you try something like this? Do you have a good relationship to do this?
Age isn't important, it's the
Age isn't important, it's the WHY they are wearing it that matters. My 9 yr old is into fashion and make up and wears eye shadow from time to time for the fun of it. If they are trying to look older or think they need to do it to get a guy, or just bc their friends are, etc. that is different. I'm not concerned at all about my 9 yr old wearing make up but will be when she's older and trying to attract boys with it. What is her motive?
9 year old is too young to
9 year old is too young to wear makeup...that is 4th grade..
I also think that age is important...Children should be doing
things that are age appropriate..
I tell my girls...pretty girls don't need alot of makeup..
I get the motive thing and I think it is a good idea...
I just can't see a girl wearing makeup until maybe 6th grade..
I wish that they did not want to wear it at all...