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I Need To Stay Away From Home!

TorturedGuy's picture

17 y.o SS is such an obnoxious b***ard and of course his mom does nothing but defend him, or she'll yell at both of us(even though she doesn't like to hear my observations)...I had been looking at work at home opportunities but it's just such a madhouse here I need to spend lots of time away!

Kes's picture

Yes, in your position I certainly would not be looking to work at home. I have my SD17 and SD15 here EOW and I make an effort to be out as much as possible during that weekend. Obnoxious is such a good word - very appropriate for certain SKIDs.

Freshstart's picture

I am away for work 3 days every week starting 3 weeks ago and I have to say the relief to get a break from SD17 is what I needed. On top of this I went for a girl's weekend which was wonderful.


When I returned home on the Sunday night, SD17 was worse than ever. I think when I am away she believes she has her mini-wife status back. All in her head. DH drifts though the middle of it mostly unaware. Do you guys find there is that down side to the escaping.

TorturedGuy's picture

Agreed,sometimes SS seems to have renewed 'liberties'. I can feel it sometimes when I come home,even though I don't know exactly what they've been up to I can just sense it.