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On her way back today

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My SD15-free days are numbered! She is on her way back today. And supposedly, she has guard practice all next week. Hope she has a ride!!! Looks like another week of making sure I'm out of the house by 7:00 every morning, and that I don't return until 8:30 a.m...LOL. Summer band also starts up soon...UGH! That means a good chance I'm going to be expected to play taxi again!

At least I will have a mostly SD15-free weekend. I have CPR training Saturday morning, and then I have another fitness course all day on Sunday. Still haven't heard back on the personal trainer position, but it has still been less than a week since the interview. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get a call back today or tomorrow. Smile

So, I will enjoy the silence while it is still golden, for tonight or tomorrow (depending on when they get back, and if she stays another night with her cousin), my house will once again ring with the voice of constant disrespect and disdain, and will no longer be clean, while I lie in bed each evening waiting for DH to come to bed because he is off doing his nightly arse-kissing.

Calypso1977's picture

"That means a good chance I'm going to be expected to play taxi again!"


Practice primer for you:




CantKeepDoingThis's picture

No, no, no, no, no, no....NO!! LOL!

SD15 got hold of her cousin's iPhone while on the trip, so her social media has exploded with selfies! Guess she is getting out her frustration of not being able to post the daily selfie herself any longer because she doesn't have a device that can both take selfies AND connect to the internet. At least there are no boob selfies, because MIL will not let the girls wear bikinis...LOL. One of my friends posted to Facebook the other day..."Fact...the more selfies you post of your self... the more self absorbed you are." I so wanted to post that on SD15's wall...LOL.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SD15 got home last night, and straight to her room. While I'm in my shower after going to the gym (and keep in mind I had only been in there 5 minutes), DH comes in and tells me I may want to hurry because SD15 is getting in the shower. Now, I know he was telling me not to rush me, but to warn me that if I didn't get out soon, the water temp would change drastically. However, it still bugged me in that DH couldn't tell SD15 to wait 5 more minutes so that I could have a chance to finish my shower before she got in hers! Kinda bugged me.

DH drove SD15 to BM's this morning, but will be picking her up tomorrow evening, because, as we all know, SD15 going to church is a MUST (not for SD15, but for DH). Will be an interesting Sunday, as I will not be there to sit with the princess. I will be at a fitness training class, leaving DH to deal with SD15 all by himself! I will have to remind him no shopping after church (sad I have to remind him of these things)...but that shouldn't be too difficult. It is a Formula 1 weekend, so DH will be in a hurry to come home and watch the race...LOL...leaving SD15 to hide in her room because she can't stand when he is watching the race.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You should have jumped out of the shower and turned on just the hot water in the shower AND the sink!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Because when I'm not around, SD15 tries to sweet talk dear daddy into going to the mall and spending my hard earned money! So, I have to remind him that there will be no going shopping with SD15 while I'm not around, because he has this hard time saying the word "No".

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

We have a joint checking. I'm going to be working on opening a separate account, especially when I start my second job out of the gym (speaking positively that I'm going to get the job). He still needs to be able to eat lunch, and we have outstanding bills waiting to hit that are on automatic I can't just withdraw it all out to another account at the moment. Basically, I will be checking on the account through the day. Sad I have to do that with a grown adult! I'm just a little worried because summer band is coming up, and SD15 is starting her crap that she needs all these new shorts and stuff (she has plenty of shorts to get through a whole week without doing laundry...oh, wait, that means she actually has to do laundry). I'm also waiting for her to start asking when we are going school shopping! Yeah...BM got her spoiled to a brand new wardrobe every school year, so SD15 thinks that is a given. Sad thing is, we got her a couple of things last year, and they ended up stuffed at the bottom of her closet, even though she said she like them in the store! She then turned around whining to BM that we wouldn't take her shopping, and after cussing DH out, BM sent SD15 out shopping with their family friend, who bought her all kinds of stuff from the expensive stores like Pac-Sun. See, that is the problem with what we bought her...wasn't high dollar enough...and this is what SD15 thinks she is entitled to!! Seriously...not taking the kid for any clothes shopping this school year! I've never gotten bios new clothes just because it was the beginning of a new school year...I bought them clothing through-out the year as it was needed. SD15 is so ungrateful, and already has more clothing in her room than DH and I combined...yet she always thinks she needs more clothes! I swear the girl thinks there is a problem with wearing the same outfit more than say 5 times in her life!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Ugh, that's annoying for you.

I'd be pulling that stuff out of the bottom of her drawer and saying "This IS new!" She sounds like SD18 who came whining to DH last year how HE needed to buy new clothes for her and SS15. DH told her BM gets CS to buy ALL of that stuff.
SD18: Well she needs MORE because MY SHOES ALONE cost $120!
DH looked at me, I looked at him, and started laughing.
DH to me: Aniki, did you ever get $120 shoes when you were 17?
Aniki: HA! If I wanted fancy shoes, my parents would give me the $ they would pay for a regular pair and I had to pay the rest.
DH: Tell your mother she's spending too much on your sh*t and you need to get a job if you want high-falutin' clothing.
SD18 screeched in frustration and stomped out the door. The tire tracks she left when she pealed out are still there. LOL

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

EXACTLY!!! We go into the mall and I take her to stores like Rue21 and Forever21. She whines that we aren't going to Pac-Sun, American Eagle, Hot Topic, Urban Outfitter. I explain that for the price of one top at those stores, we can get 2-3 or more at the stores I choose, and they are the same quality and style. I flat out refuse to take her shopping at those stores...I'm not spending more for her clothes that I do myself! She gets all huffy. Oh well! All she has done by throwing her fits is make it so I will never buy her anything again!