Check Mate!
So, about 10:30 p.m. last night, I noted to DH that SD15 went the entire evening without saying anything about a ride to guard practice this morning. I pointed out that as of the night before, she ONLY had a ride for yesterday...that she did not have have transportation to practice today or tomorrow. DH said if SD15 didn't say anything, then she probably already has a ride. Oh...she has a ride, alright...trying to make me stuck doing it by not saying anything at all, and after DH leaves the house, she will come knocking on my door or texting me that I need to take her to practice!
I didn't say that, but I simply told DH that he may want to go check and make sure. Sure enough, SD15 was already curled up in bed calling it a night (well, hoping we would hurry up and go to bed so she could get on her phone). DH asked her if she had a ride, and imagine that...she didn't! Knowing that I would not be happy about being asked to take SD15 to practice, DH told her she will need to be ready when he leaves, and will just have to sit and wait at the school until someone else gets there. She would have to be there an hour and a half early!
Oh, I could hear the whine from the TV room, which told me I was right on with what she had planned. She didn't want to have to get up earlier...she didn't want to wait. She wanted to to have to take her to make her life easier! HA! Got ya!
At this point, it will take a
At this point, it will take a little more than that. DH knows how I feel about the situation with SD15. She will not talk to either of us unless she wants something from us. DH will still play into her little games, but I've let it be known that I'm done! You want me to do things for you? Then you will have a little respect! I'm not your maid, servant, or driver that you do not even associate with. You refuse to have any kind of communication with me, and when you do your words are dripping with disdain, don't expect me to do anything for you. DH has to do certain things, because she is his child and it is his responsibility. I don't have to do jack!
It is seriously like they
It is seriously like they feel we are lucky to be graced with their presence! What is it with so many of these teens these days that seem to act this way with their parents? When I was growing up, if my parents asked me to get up and get them something or do something for them, I did it...and I better do it happily! Not saying that kids should be servants to their parents, but so many these days, you ask them to do anything..."Ugh, but I don't want to get up!"..."It's too far!"..."Why can't you get it yourself?" (or in the case of SD15..."Tell your wife to do it!"). If I acted the way SD15 acts toward DH to my mother, yeah, I would need makeup alright...from the daily backhand leaving marks...oh, and I would have to buy that makeup myself with my babysitting money!
Oh, and if I didn't let my parents know in advance that I needed transportation to a function, they didn't care if it meant I put my spot at risk! They would not take me! If it was something that was important enough to me, it was important enough to give my parents enough advance notice, and ask politely! It was not, "You need to take me to..." it was "I have X on Y. Could you please take me?"
well, lets see if ms. thang
well, lets see if ms. thang learns anything from today.
Doubt it...but we can hope,
Doubt it...but we can hope, right?
I know it's mean, but I so
I know it's mean, but I so wish the dentist appointments were today to teach SD15 a lesson about the keys and the locking of doors!
She left this morning without her key. She has been told by both myself and DH too many times to count to never leave the house without her key. The dogs are going crazy, and someone is desperately knocking on the door.'s SD15! They got out of guard practice early, and it's pouring rain outside...oh, and her key is supposedly sitting on her shelf! Would have been really funny if no one was home, and she had to sit out in the pouring rain for the next few hours!
I would have "been in the
I would have "been in the bathroom due to intestinal distress..."
LOL...oh, I didn't rush to
LOL...oh, I didn't rush to the door. I heard the dogs start going crazy, and thought maybe it was just one of BS19's friends. If it was one of his friends, he would be expecting them and would get the door. After a few minutes, the knocking was frantic, and I finally poked my head out and saw that BS19 was not getting the door. I knew who it was at that point, and just slowly walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened just a crack as if to peek at who it was before I opened all the way. As I peered through the crack, I asked SD15, "So, where's your key?" The princess was standing there soaked...too funny! She is now in her room under the covers wearing a sweat shirt and flannel PJ pants claiming to be freezing, when it is 80 in the house (that is what I keep it on during the day when I'm the only one here...comfortable with me as I can feel the ceiling fan sitting at my desk). What is it SD15 puts on all of her selfies on her social media? Oh yeah...sorrynotsorry...LOL.
(No subject)
"Sorry, I was in the
"Sorry, I was in the shower...." but then my skids come in through the dog door, rather than getting the spare or digging into their backpack.
That would take way too long. LOL
~ Moon