Under-achiever strikes again
Have been disengaged since SS18 came back home. He didn't graduate last year and had only 2 courses to get it complete. Report card time today. I casually ask him how it went knowing that he doesn't go that often. What a beauty. 16 percent. I was thinking maybe 40 percent and he would have a chance to pass. Oh but I am going to get the assignments done. No you are not. The school has cashed 260 in grad fees but hey you still get to go the prom. Wow. Great job. Unfortunately he is just like his father.
Just like the guy you picked.
Just like the guy you picked. Is it possible to get 16%? Remain disengaged.
16 percent is about right.
16 percent is about right. Least they make them have to show up and do their homework to graduate. Saves me a trip for the commencement ceremony