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What are we suppose to do?

lprp's picture

The oldest SD has a cognitive learning disability and has ADD. I am having issues with her when it comes to "Aunt Flo's" monthly visit. She has a habit of just putting her panties in the dirty clothes and not spraying them if she has an accident. I tell her all the time if that happens take them downstairs as soon as you can so you can spray and wash them right away. Same thing with her sheets. This morning we found that the sheets she has on her bed have week old blood stains from her last period. So now we are trying to get the stains out of her mattress.

We have a feeling she is embarrassed about this. I tell her it happens to everyone, just need to take care of it right away. All she does is pouts and says yes mom and does it this time around. Every month we go through the same routine all over. Getting so tired of sounding like a broken record

Jsmom's picture

Since she is learning disabled, I would put plastic on her mattress immediately. Then you need to keep track of her cycle and keep on her. Sorry, it sounds frustrating.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I keep track of SD13's visitor in my Evernote app. Also, SD19 would always fold up an ld bath towel for extra reinforcements in case she had an accident.

But yes, I agree a waterproof mattress cover would help/ Try Clorox wipes on the mattress. They get funk out of anything if you keep at it. I have 5 dogs and it gets funky sometimes with messes on the carpet. Oxy Spray might work too?

Rags's picture

A waterproof matress cover is the way to go. As well as old or very cheap sheets until she gets this under control.

When I moved in to our current residence (fully furnished company housing) all of the beds had blood stains on the matresses and so did one of the sofas. I called immediately and had them all replaced. The previous residents were a husband, wife, and three teenaged daughters. I get it. I do, but .... there are products that can prevent or minimize the impact of this type of thing and it is just basic courtesy to make sure that accidents are kept to a minimum.