Ok- our BM is so crazy and spiteful that she could make just about anyone seem like a saint. My ex-h is a good guy and good dad overall (in that he loves his kids). We are both much happier that we are not together and trying to pretend we're something we're not...fight a LOT less...we had DS6's birthday party last week and DH and ex-h were there together, as well as ex-h's gf and her little girl. So things are good on that front. But I must vent.
I have the kids most of the time. (We have shared custody.) When they do go with him I always try to have things well organized- this week, for instance, was a busy busy last week of school, with different events every day where kids needed different things- games one day, swim stuff another- and I always write him notes in each bag, send e-mails or texts to keep him abreast of what they need. He always says he'll do stuff that doesn't get done- thank you notes, baths, etc.....he can't be bothered to wash out their lunch things and refill DD5's milk container with milk so on days she goes to school from his house she doesn't get milk- I know she's not going to suffer for one day without cow milk for her lunch- but jeez. Would it be that difficult?
Recently I had the kids make his dad a card for his birthday. I told ex that the card was in DS's backpack, for their birthday celebration they were having that weekend. The card came back, unopened, in DS's backpack. So I feel like I am always going out of my way to think of everything to help this man, who works an insane amount of hours (and makes one hell of a living, not that his CS reflects what he makes). And it seems to go unnoticed. Some things that he does remind me of his dad, a vile, verbally abusive little man. (His patience with me is short- at DS's party, which I planned, baked the cake for, made the favors for, did invitations for, etc....etc.....he bitched and bitched that I wasn't handing out forks fast enough as he was hacking up DS's cake.) And I just feel really frazzled. Kids come back to me a train wreck because he does not believe in consistent bedtimes....coughing.....dirty......enough!!! I am glad that this week is over and that my babies are done being ping pong balls for a few days, anyway. I don't think pinging between houses is good, especially during busybusybusy times and one of those parents has no regard for following through with things he says he'll do.
Is he reamarried? For the
Is he reamarried? For the sanity of yourself it sounds like you need to detach from the EX. Stop making cards with the kids for his family and trying to be so innermeshed. You can't control how he is going to do things so stop going above and beyond, that will just leave you a frustrated mess.
Stop doing anything for him!
Stop doing anything for him! Stop having get togethers and bday parties with him and etc! Separate lives! You 2 are divorced for a reason and still doing with together is creating the situation you are in now. He has his life with the kids and you have yours.
As far as the milk he may not think she needs it every day his choice. I would though try to talk to him about bed times and etc. But for the most part you have your life and he has his. DO NOT put them as one any more.
Sounds like a man. Frankly,
Sounds like a man. Frankly, all those little things you do likely completely unnoticed and therefore, unappreciated by him. It is just how they are wired. They just don't even think about those things. Do them for you and your kid. Stop doing things for HIM!