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Dealing with school events

PolyMom's picture

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle school events? My DH has a son the same age as my daughter. We went to back to school night, and went to their respective classrooms. BM and her husband showed up, sat within earshot of DH and kept making inappropriate comments. Her husband has done this to me while in the courtroom before, and I looked him square in the eye and told him to stop speaking to me. Unfortunately, the comments in the school environment is not so easy. It seems they are hellbent on showing up anywhere and everywhere they can to do this to him. It is out of control, and we don't know how to avoid it.

PolyMom's picture

There's been massive PAS going on, with BM and husband telling kids that dad's a liar, has stolen money, SM is "evil" stuff like that. We're currently in court for full custody. BM cheated on DH with her new husband BTW, years before I even came into the picture. DH had primary custody, because BM couldn't be bothered...until I came into the picture. DH has NEVER said anything bad about them to the kids, and it seems all they want to do is bad mouth. Waiting for court to come through is expensive and agonizing. Putting up with this garbage doesn't seem like it's going to go away. Her husband picks the kids up, shows up 5-15 minutes early and blares the horn, while I have students I teach in the home. I'm thinking of going to the lawyer about that one, that he's not allowed to pick them up if he's going to do that.

PolyMom's picture

Have that book, love it! Along with "The Borderline Mother." Both boys in therapy, and therapist agrees our home should be where they live all the time. It's currently 50/50, which sucks because communication is non-existent.

PolyMom's picture

Understanding the Borderline Mother: Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable, and Volatile Relationship by Christine Ann Lawson

Got this with the kindle app. It is AMAZING. Highly recommend. It's directed towards adult children of borderline mothers, and how to interact with them, but I found it to be really helpful. Specifically, it's best to point out WHY what the borderline mother suggests is unreasonable.... for example:

"So you're saying you need me to find a sitter for the kids, take a sick day from work, and rearrange my schedule because you need me there to help you with XYZ?" I used something similar on BM, and she couldn't enraged her to call DH and lambaste me to him, but she couldn't disagree.

Jmtz2013's picture

Gather up your evidence as suggested and get a restraining order asap. Might want to splurge and get a PI to do a complete backgound check on her new hubby. He sounds a bit off to me. Criminal history maybe??? Ya never know.