crazy BM

stronggirl's picture

I am about to go crazy. Here is the situation in a nut shell (if that is even possible). I have been married for 5 years, have a 3 year old with husband and a SS13. He has ADD, his mother has never worked in the 5 years that we have been together, has had 7 homes, (all evictions) we even helped her move once because she called and said she was leaving all of sd13's stuff if we did not help. Her phone is always in a different name, and it changes all the time. Once she called BF and said she was dying of cancer, she drug me up to the school with to talk about the anger issues, even went to far to say she was on a diet so that they would not have to buy a larger casket!!! SHE HAD A CYST.. She had recieved HUD by faking paperwork, was evicted after about 7 months when she did not die. (4 years ago) Now she is dying again...Whatever. She started a fake company on the internet, told people to send her money and she was sending baskets to the troops, which she never did. She stole my Nieces ss number out of her walet when she went to see her cousin, claimed her on her taxes, stole her checks, signed up direct tv in her name....Niece did not find out about it until it was to late because the info from the bank was not going to her correct address (you only have 60 days) .....Takes SS off of meds because it does not let him sleep, he missed more days in school than he was there. He has been accused of molesting 2 children, she runs a DAYCARE in her home....I am afraid of him and what he might do to my son so they are never alone. She gets away with everything. She claims extra children on whatever it is so she gets extra food stamps......How is it possible that she can get away with all of this. do not think that I have not turned her in for everything. I even called the States Attorney....they flew in and did nothing........NOW SHE IS BAD MOUTHING ME ON MYSPACE. Called me all kinds of names and even got her friends in on it.....HELP HELP HELP......We have him every other weekend and it is awful....he tells his mother that he hates me and that I am mean to him (but only in the winter) he likes me in the summer when I live at the lake, when I am the only sort of parent around. My husband works Saturdays and just asumes that I will bring him along. How can I do this when I have to watch him and my son all the time. When he is over my BS sleeps in my bed..........Our lawyer turned her in to DFS and guess what nothing happened.....We are out of money for all of this, in debt about 5,000.......

Conflicted's picture

I'm sorry for what you are going through and I know that it may be no comfort to you right now, but remember that she WILL get hers. What goes around really does come around and sooner or later everything WILL catch up with her.

What an unhappy, pathetic person. I'd feel bad for her really, she will never live a life like yours, she will always be a thief, a con artist, and an unhappy victim of herself.

When I get to feeling like you are now my DH always tells me to keep on doing the right thing and everthing will come back around.

stronggirl's picture

It is always nice to have others see what you see, at first I thought that I was just being paranoid, but then I started keeping a journal and began to see a crazy pattern.

thanks so much


Conflicted's picture

Its hard to imagine that there really are people like this out there and it can make you question your own sanity at times because their outlandish behavior is so disturbing.

For me, the hard thing has been not playing into it. I turn right in to a little kids that wants to hit back. Its very hard for me to "take the high road" (as DH always says).
I just want to scream, F$&k the high road!! I want to get her back!!

But its not worth it, she isn't worth it, not one bit.

Colorado Girl's picture

Not worth it....none of them are.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."