BM is on a rampage
All summer DF (fiance) has submitted in writing for his two weeks with SS. First, in June, he asked for two weeks so that we could send him to camp. BM flat out said "no" she had plans with him already.
DF asked for two weeks in August, and BM said that we would have to cut it short because she again has plans.
Last night DF poured over their parenting plan (of which she is the author) which confirms that he only has to give two weeks written notice. So at 3 a.m. he pounded out an email stating when SS would be with him for his two week parenting time.
This morning bright and early BM sent an email stating plainly she will not comply that in fact she has been more than accomodating and she won't anymore.
Little does she know that DF has already retained an attorney and the ball will start rolling on Monday. Her response is better than we could have hoped for to illustrate how difficult this summer has been. We have it all in writing that EVERY request to spend time with SS has been either unanswered or a complete hassle.
I hate to gloat, but it has been so miserable. I feel like I'm driving the karma bus.
That is awesome! I love it
That is awesome! I love it when they think they have the control and spout off with shit that proves YOUR point...go on and gloat! It's an incredible feeling...I do it when I get that chance too![Smile](
Our BM did the same thing. CO
Our BM did the same thing. CO said that my DH had to request his two weeks by May 15th. She always found SOME reason to deny or cut it short. I wished we would have known then what we know now. We would have held her feet to the fire and yanked her leash with a Show Cause petition every. single. time. she deviated from that damn CO.
I'm so glad DF's CO has the
I'm so glad DF's CO has the summer schedule detailed down to the dates and times. He has his girls from 5:00pm June28 until 5:00pm. He took them home yesterday and they won't return until the EOWE visits resumes after Labor Day.
When the lawyers get involved
When the lawyers get involved it becomes a mess. Unfortunately, it is the only way to make these BM's learn that they do not call all the shots and they do not own these kids. They are not property. Keep it up.
I couldn't agree with you
I couldn't agree with you more. Thankfully he's located them and placed them in their correct, upright position!![Smile](
DF has stopped answering her
DF has stopped answering her emails this morning. He is being called a "selfish, miserable low-life" for making the request.
On the way to drop off SS at daycare, DF noticed that she unilaterally cancelled an over night camp out SS has been looking foward to.
On a side note, SS has started making requests through my DD. My DD's parents CO-Parent, and it works beautifully for her. As a result, she's confident in both homes. I guess he see's her strength. SS is 9, DD is 7. So DD has started coming to us "He wants...." or "He wants to know why"...
Thank you everyone for your support.
This crap is simply batshit
This crap is simply batshit crazy ~ why in the world would you deny your child a vacation. It's crazy ~ are the BM's that crazy selfish. Let your kids enjoy life.
I have four kids my hubby passed away 6 years ago ~ if my in laws want my kid I am more than willing to drive 150 miles away just so my kids have an active and exciting summer ~ building memories.
Dumb ass BM's don't see the full picture ~ I love my kids dearly but I do need a break to relax myself.
Don't get the selfishness !!!
That's genius!
That's genius!
That's genius!
That's genius!