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SO finally saw the light

ims0marilyn's picture

Well the family went on an outing today and some of my kids and SKs classmates were there. Well a little girl went up to my SS and said is that your mother and I wound up running after one of the little ones. When we got home my SO tapped his son took all of his clothes from that $250.00 shopping spree he went on and made him write three apology letters one addressed to me, one to my BD and one to him. I stepped outside with my SO to find out wht my SS did and my SO told me a lil girl asked him was i his mother and my SS replied "helllll no" then the girl asked was my BD his sister and he said "hell no does she look like she can be my sister??" then later he pushed my BD down on her skates which I did not see. It mad me smile inside to see my SO stick up for me like that even though I had no clue what was going on. i had a really long talk with him about not feeling appreciated, and I guess it kind of sunk in. I wanted to say to my SS look u little nitwit your mom is off high on drugs and ha not bothered to even attempt to contact you guys for 4 whole months. you better be happy I want to deal with your lil smart ass!! lol Im just so glad his behavior was checked for once.

Rags's picture

"I wanted to say to my SS look u little nitwit your mom is off high on drugs and ha not bothered to even attempt to contact you guys for 4 whole months. you better be happy I want to deal with your lil smart ass!! lol Im just so glad his behavior was checked for once."

And what is stopping you from saying exactly that to the toxic little Step Spawn?

One thing my Skid knew and still knows is that I will not bullshit him, lie to him, or avoid the truth when speaking to him. At 22 he is clear that his Sperm Idiot is a worthless POS and it is the trust that he and I have built and had with each other since he was 2yo that has prepared and armed him to be able to deal effectively with the Sperm Idiot and the Sperm Clan now that he is an adult.

Do your toxic skid a favor. Tell him the truth. DH needs to be telling his kids the truth about the situation even more than you should.

IMHO of course.

ims0marilyn's picture

Thanks guys!i would tell SS the real desl but i never want to speak ill of his mother to them the way she has done me.

Rags's picture

Facts are not good or bad or speaking ill. They are just facts. The kids deserve to hear them in an age apporpriate manner. IMHO.

Take care of yourself.