More baby mama drama today
This sounds so petty I almost don't even want to write it, but I need to vent, and I know you all understand the BM drama!
So DH and I both have Facebook but he never gets on his because BM started a bunch of trouble with us on there in the past. I do use mine because I am not going to let her stop me.
Well yesterday, I noticed BM added "SD born 2008" to her timeline (for those who use fb, you know what I'm talking about- for those who don't, it's like adding a life event). Anyway, she tagged my DH in the post and I knew about it because I have it set so I get notifications about DH.
I warned you it's petty but it has me FURIOUS! DH and BM are not friends on fb, nor are they friends in real life. BM has caused us so much trouble over the years, and DH regularly says he wishes I were SD's mom, not her.
So what I did was, I went on DH's fb and deleted the tag, which somehow deleted the entire post. I was only trying to delete the tag because baba mama or not, you have no business tagging someone else's HUSBAND in your stupid fb posts.
Well of course BM realized and called DH's sister and threw a fit saying "DH IS MY BABY'S FATHER AND I CAN TAG WHOEVER I WANT!"
Well.. no.. you can't tag whoever you want.. that's a married man you're talking about.. I don't give a shit if he's your baby's father.. I'm his wife.. I've been with DH for over 3 years and married almost a year and this woman STILL does not know her place!! The hell?!
Thanks for letting me vent!
Petty? Kind of. But not
Petty? Kind of. But not really in a way because she is way overstepping her bounds. Enough to send me thru the roof, uh yeah!!! I would have flipped my shit. I am not sure how the privacy stuff works on FB anymore with the way they change things, but I think, not sure, but I think, if you go into his FB and add BM to the block list, he will not show up to her, as if he doesn't even exist on there. I don't think she would be able to tag him then.
I get your irritation but you
I get your irritation but you are letting her take up too much space in your mind. You say you're not going to "let her stop you" from using facebook. Well good. Block her. your DH should block her on his page as well. Out of site out of mind. Plus when she is blocked, she can't tag him anymore, problem solved.
Yeah I know it's petty lol it
Yeah I know it's petty lol it just seemed like she was overstepping big time. Then for her to tell SIL he's her baby's father & she can do what she wants.. Like wtf.. He's MARRIED.. no you can not do what you want.. What is wrong with these women???!
They are jealous immature
They are jealous immature idiots. She was overstepping, she knew it, did it on purpose, most likely just to piss you off. Piss on her is what I say. Block her on yours, block her on his, don't give her the doorway to barge in and upset you. Lock it and throw away the key. I blocked BM from FB and from my life TOTALLY.
I'm going to block her from
I'm going to block her from both our accounts now. I'm sure she did it on purpose. Like I said it is petty but this is just 1 example of the crap I deal with on almost a daily basis from her. It adds up, you know?
Should she pretend that he
Should she pretend that he ISN'T her child's father??
I wouldn't do it, because I have nothing to do with my XH. But I don't think there's anything "wrong with this woman" for doing so.
I'm also pretty sure you have to be FB friends in order to tag people, so maybe you want to ask DH why he's friends with her.
But I think it's really wrong for you to decide to untag him and delete the post. He's a big boy. Isn't he?
No, he isn't friends with her
No, he isn't friends with her on fb. I have no idea why it let her tag him, but he's definitely not friends with her.
I'm not saying she shouldn't have put SD being born on her stupid timeline, but SD is 5 and her and DH have been broken up since before she was 1 year old.. & they weren't even married at that.. Now DH has been with another woman for years and is married to her. I just think it's extremely inappropriate, especially after all the shit she has put us through.
I agree with you Christinen.
I agree with you Christinen.
OMG, I just LOL'd.
OMG, I just LOL'd.
LOL imaSmom. I get why you
LOL imaSmom. I get why you are mad but you just look jealous and insecure by doing what you did (though I know you didn't do it intentionally). Try to let this one go, your DH can't control what she does.
I mean of course I wish my
I mean of course I wish my husband didn't have a child with another woman. Anyone who says they have no issues with that I think is lying (unless maybe they have kids by another man too). Whether it's insecurity or what, yup I sure do wish BM and SD would drop off the face of the earth. That's how I feel.
Right after we told SD 19 to
Right after we told SD 19 to leave BM sends me a vile inbox message on FB, she cannot post on my wall because we are not friends, nor will we ever be. I just refused to dignify that crap.
I have no problem whatsoever that BM#1 has a framed picture of her, elder SS and DH, they were married for a year and a half. DH never married BM#2, she had two husbands before him and I think he saw the signs...LOL.
It's absolutely correct that our DH's have no control over what BM's do, just let them get on with it, let their little house of cards fall in on them!! Last I heard BM#2 was back with her recently divorced husband...good...that keeps her busy!
I know DH has no control over
I know DH has no control over what BM does and I try to keep reminding myself that when I catch myself getting pissy with him over something BM has said or done.
Honestly I don't even know why BM is so obsessed with us (I'm not saying she's obsessed because of the fb thing- she tries to start problems with us pretty much every day), I mean she has 3 kids by 3 different men (none of them married her lol) so you would think she would have enough to keep her busy.
Thanks for all the input. I'm
Thanks for all the input. I'm not saying he isn't the kid's father, I mean hell we have SD more than BM does. I guess the reason the fb thing pisses me off so much is because when DH and I got together, BM used fb to message me and threaten that if I didn't stay away from "her daughter", she would "beat me so bad DH won't recognize me" (among MANY other things). This woman harassed me for MONTHS, and although it has calmed down a bit, she is still going strong 3 years later.
She has friend requested DH repeatedly on fb and he declined her every time. Baby daddy or not, if someone can't stand you because you do nothing but try to cause problems in their relationship and declines your friend requests, I don't think you should be tagging them in anything.
I did block her from both our accounts yesterday so hopefully that puts an end to the fb drama. Now, the real life drama is a whole other story smh.
Nip this in the bud. It's
Nip this in the bud. It's stupid, stupid, stupid.
Yes she still is his wife but that is a legality at this point. Why is the divorce taking so long? Where I live you can file and be done in practically a matter of days.
I understand....on facebook
I understand....on facebook Dh's ex has pics of them together when they were still married. Pisses the hell out of me!