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I'm sorry, but...

ncgal1980's picture

SS8 came into the kitchen last night. I had made a big pot of spaghetti and was dishing it out onto plates for dinner.

SS8 looked at the plates of spaghetti, then at me, and he said, "What's for dinner?"

I just stood there with a blank WTF look on my face and didn't answer him. It was a lot better than saying what I really wanted to say in response to that question.

SS7 does this literally every single night he's with us. He'll walk in after the meal is prepared, look right at his plate, and ask "What's for dinner?"

What the hell is up with that question every freaking NIGHT?

What do I really want to say? "It's RIGHT THERE ON YOUR PLATE, DUMBASS!"

That's not nice, and I really am trying to remain disengaged (which means that they're spared my bitchy, negative remarks), so I just don't answer him. I let DH answer him, which he always does.

DH will walk over and gesture to every single item on the plate if it's more than one thing, and explain to SS8 what we're eating for dinner.

I have no idea what this ritual is about. Truly. This kid is not developmentally delayed or mentally challenged (except for his preference to wear a plush dog costume every night and weekend he's with us), so I have no idea what the purpose of this exchange is.

I just remain silent and ignore the question.

What the HELL is that about?! I'm getting really REALLY sick of it, and it shows no signs of going away any time soon. Maybe if DH would stop indulging in this little routine, it'd die out, but he seems to enjoy it as much as SS8 does.

ncgal1980's picture

I meant to say SS8 does this every night. SS7 is the one always up DH's ass and getting in my way when I'm trying to cook anything. He doesn't ask what's for dinner every night, but I'll be damned if he doesn't try to take over and elbow me out of the kitchen so he can have the meal preparation and DH all to himself.

Accordn2L's picture

SK8 asks me in the morning before she leaves for school what will be for dinner! I didn't realize she needed a menu for her stay with us.

ncgal1980 I don't know how you don't call SS a dumbass seriously. Next time he looks at the plate and asks what's for dinner, look at him and say a shit sammich fool!

ncgal1980's picture

Oh no...PLEASE don't tell me I could possibly have to put up with this every other weekend for the next 4+ years. PLEASE... :jawdrop:

morethanibargainedfor's picture

HAHAHAHA SD13 does this. And she has done it for the past 3 years and who knows about before that.
It confuses the hell out of me too! I answered once with "does it really matter whats for dinner?" SO didn't like that too much lol
Now I just respond with "what do you think is for dinner?"

luchay's picture

Yep SD13 does it too. Always has though apparently - she is OBSESSED with food.

From me she gets the same answer my own bios get if they bother to ask "Pickled Eels Feet!"

Or ignored..... I like that option too.

askYOURdad's picture

haha interpretive dance... love it!

I agree, kids ask dumb questions. When they are younger I think it's ok to ask back "what do you think we are having for dinner?" by 7 or 8 yeah, bring on the sarcasm.

Q- What's for dinner? (as I am literally dishing up tacos)

A- "remember that rabbit you got for your birthday last year?"

- "I'm not really sure what this is"

- "Chicken" (this is a family joke because a long time ago when YSD was little she asked what was for dinner and I said chicken and she started crying and DH asked her why she was crying she likes chicken and she was hysterical saying "we never only have "just chicken" there is always veggies and potatoes too"... which, there were, I just said chicken because it was the main course... obviously YSD was a little over tired that day but no one has let her forget it lol

svillemomof4's picture

"What do I really want to say? "It's RIGHT THERE ON YOUR PLATE, DUMBASS!" "

Love that! You should have told him chicken and rice and see what he says! Sometimes you just have to mess with them when they ask the dumb questions.

ncgal1980's picture

One time I did answer him. He's standing there looking at a meatloaf as I cut it up and put it on the plates.

SS8: "What's for dinner?"

Me: *Sigh* *Far-away look* "You know, I have no idea. Maybe you can come tell me when you find out. I'm kinda curious about it myself."

SS8: ...

wth was I thinking's picture

Smartass responses are on auto for me when they ask dumbass questions. I can't help it.

tabby yabba do's picture

My SD12 does this too. I think it's A) attention-seeking behavior/trying to engage adults into meaningless conversation because, well she's entitled to do that! After all she sees herself as my peer and peers have small-talk all the time, and Dirol my SD12 is obsessed with food. I've thought about blogging about her preoccupation with food. It's gross.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

SD13 is obsessed with food too. Everything is "Can I have a snack, can we go for ice cream, oooooo that looks so yummy". She NEVER gets full at dinner, and will eat as much as she can. Shes even gone to the point of stealing food from the kitchen and will go up to the bathroom to eat it. I've discussed it with the counselor in the past and we aren't really sure what its all about. Shes not a big girl by any means. I think its an anxiety thing for her. She also has major issues and obsessions with other things, not just food.

Accordn2L's picture

I have never really thought about this until you both said this but my SD8 is the same over food. She is a tiny thing but eats like a man. She eats a full breakfast at home and then goes through the line at school and gets free breakfast because BM signed all her kids up for that. She eats free lunch too. Then the minute dinner is over and she has had two big helpings, she wants icecream, then before bed, can I have one more snack. Wonder if she's getting enough to eat at BM? Or is it just a stress thing, like eating makes her feel better for the moment?

tabby yabba do's picture

My DH tries to blame SD12s obsession and excessive eating with "She must be going through a growth spurt" line. Ah, no. I've been in SD12s life for 2+ years. She has grown 1/2" in those 2+ years. She is less than 3% in her age-group for height, and their family history of nearly everyone being at or below 5' tall at adult-height means she isn't "spurting" anything. She just eats. And eats. And never stops talking about food. I pointed it out to DH one day, "You ever notice the *only* time SD12 ever gets really excited about anything is when she discusses food?" He agreed with me.

Drac0's picture


Next time SS asks me "What's for dinner?" I'll break into Monty Python's Spam song!

wth was I thinking's picture

"Whenever I mentioned his mother and how she raised him, he would come back down to earth and act like a parent for awhile."

I tried that once, and he replied that 'those were different times.'


ncgal1980's picture

"I got right in his face and told him, you're mother didn't raise you this way, why the hell are you allowing this brat to acted this way?"

This is what baffles me about my DH. His parents certainly didn't raise him like this - where he and his siblings ran the house and told adults what to do - so why he tolerates it from his own kids, I'll never know.

I basically raise my boys the way my parents raised me. It seemed to work pretty well, though when I was little I thought it was mean and unfair. I realize now that they were raising me with rules and limits and expectations, and I appreciate it so much more now that I'm an adult living in the real world. I'll raise my boys the same way because I know it works.

DH doesn't see it that way, so his kids are now out-of-control asshats most of the time. Ugh.

Drac0's picture

My SS used to do this too. And of course my DW would defend him...

Finally, one day, I had to do some OT and left it to DW to prepare the dinner. So DW had to do the grocery shopping and prepare the meal. When SS turned his nose up, DW blew a gasket, yelled at him and then turned to me and said.

"Can you believe this!? I did ALL the grocery shopping and spent the whole time I was home preparing the meal and SS acts this rudely?"

I just looked at DW and calmly replied. "Yes. Yes I can believe it." and didn't say a word more. Since that day, neither DW nor myself tolerate SS's "finicky cat" routune.

Drac0's picture

Yeah, I too learned to just make up BS answers to my SS when the answers are pretty much obvious.

SS: "What's for dinner!?"
Me: "Ooh tonight I have prepared a treat! Pickled Oxen tongue with a sprinkling of Yak's piss followed by goat kidney pie!"

SS: "What time is it?" (NOTE: We are in the kitchen where there are 4 appliances displaying the time + the clock on the wall + SS has a cell phone with the time on the homescreen)
Me: "Are you blind? Do you need glasses? Cuz I think I have a pair of my old Urkel coke-bottle glasses you can wear."

SS: "Did I take a shower yesterday?"
Me: "I don't know. Here,rub your hair against this paper bag. If you leave a grease mark, the answer is no."

SS: "Should I wear my winter jacket?" (NOTE: Asked in January after a freakish blizzard)
Me: "Not unless you want to die of hypothermia."
SS: "Hypo-what? I don't know what that is."
Me: "Oh? Well then you're safe then..."

Accordn2L's picture

SS: "Did I take a shower yesterday?"
Me: "I don't know. Here,rub your hair against this paper bag. If you leave a grease mark, the answer is no."

Draco I busted out laughing on this one! I plan to use this the very next time this question is asked in my house!

unwillingparticipant's picture

OMG. ss12 does the same thing - dh will tell him to clean (his room, the bathroom, the shelves, etc)
and he'll say
"what do I do? I need a list"

ummmmmmmm, WHAT?! You know the difference between clean and dirty. FIGURE IT OUT!!!

Rags's picture

I would have some fun with this. I would make some outrageous shit up each and every time that question was asked when the SKid is standing there staring at the food.