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Cell Phone Envy/Birthday Gifts

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so SD12 got a cellphone for her birthday, as well as tickets to a concert for a well known singer. I had talked to SO about getting my DD11 a cellphone as a security device. Considering that her father is a drunk and she does things after school, I want a direct line to her in case she needs me. THAT is why I got her a cell phone. Yes, I got her a nice one, but not a touch screen.

So SD12 sees the phone I get DD11, it IS nicer than the one that her BM got her. BM does not have a job, she did the best she could, she may not even be able to pay for the service. However, NOW SD12 is complaining to anyone that will listen that "my stepsister got a nicer phone than me and it wasn't even a special occasion for her" SS14 came to me and SO and told us, he said that he didn't think it was fair.

So, SO has asked me to not tell SD12 that WE (me and BD11 and 9) also have tickets to go to the concert that she has. Ok, I get it. He said that I have not done anything wrong, that I should still give DD11 the phone. I am surprised though, he is not vying for me to downgrade her phone.

It just burns me though. SD12 gets A LOT more than my daughters. She has more clothes for herself than my 2 DD have put together! She has more toys, more space in her room.... you get the idea. They have an old tube TV and she has a flat screen! It BURNS me.

The question is, should I change the cell phone? Should I come up with a reason (5th grade graduation as example) I don't usually have money to buy things for my kids, even just clothes. I got a good tax return and I wish to spread the wealth. I never get to spend money on my daughter's like this and I feel like the excitement I would have doing such is being taken away from me because this kid is 'angry' as SS14 stated.

Any thoughts?

forestfairy's picture

Hell no don't change the cell phone. And I think it's ridiculous you have to hide that you're going to the same concert.

Here's what my parents would have told me; "Oh, it not fair? Well guess what? Life isnt's fair". No two children in the world get the exact same things and especially not two with two different parents. Tough crap SD!

Freedom2005's picture

And that is what I usually tell SD12 when she whines, "but that's not fair!"

and I say..."well, guess what...."

Her reply.... "I know, life's not fair!"

Nope, I am not changing!

purpledaisies's picture

I would tell her that the other kids are not her concern and don't worry about, just worry about yourself. I would also remind her of the tings she has that your dd doen't have and tell her that if things are it be 'fair' rhen you need to go buy your dd all these things that she has tht your dd doesn't have. That should shut her up. she is old enough to get that.