Tired of excuses for bad behavior
I'm just so tired of hearing DH explain away SKIDS bad behavior because they have not been taught life skills by BM and he has not been around for 2 years to teach them anything. I'm sorry, did I miss something? Now I have to tolerate been treated like shit because of bad parenting? Am I expecting too much from SD15 and SD11? Reason I ask is 1. Back to the way they did not wish me happy birthday for my birthday, but can wushu a old acquaintance of ours well on their marriage. 2. Can in the same breath crtisize the same acqaintance for rushing into a marriage yet their BM does exactly the same thing time after time? Am I just a pathetic SM and taking everything way to personally and I should just suck up the false rude behavior ? How do you handle the pathetic excuses DH comes up with to excuse the SKIDS behavior.
My SO excuses for SD17 bad
My SO excuses for SD17 bad behaviour and manners was ..... she has had a hard time coping with the divorce. Cant deal with change.
The other skids havent lost their manners and i got sick of the lack of parenting.
I moved out this week. My house is a shambles, i dont know where anything is but boy am i glad i dont live with her anymore. Miss my SO dreadfully but until he mans up im staying away.
11 & 15 are both plenty old
11 & 15 are both plenty old enough to be held accountable to pleasant behavioral standards regardless of them having POS parents or not.
So, hold them accountable. Bring the pain.
I do not tolerate excuses for rude behavior. I just bring consequences that get the attention of those with the idiot behavior and I escalate the consequences until they either gain clarity or they crash and burn.
You do realize that your DH is the problem in all of this. He has tolerated this crap and now he is exposing his bride to it. Dh, is an idiot.
IMHO of course.
They are clearly purposefully
They are clearly purposefully treating you poorly, no doubt about that. The question is, do you ignore it, or somehow force dad to deal with it?
Yeah I think the only thing
Yeah I think the only thing that can fix this is time and therapy....