Something's Got To Break Soon
This can't keep up...wife and SS18 sit around all day smoking weed and eating all the food while I'm out working. Actually I find pleasure in working because it gets me out of here,but yet I have to come back to this. Like I've said only reason I stay is for myself and the animals we take care of,but this is getting too painful. And I've heard the saying 'change will only come when the pain of staying is worse than the pain of change'...
I'm sorry you're dealing with
I'm sorry you're dealing with this, Guy. I've been in relationships like that, where you know it's bad but you just aren't "there" yet. I think you're right that something has to give. When that time comes, you'll just know it. Can you take your animals with you? I'm an animal lover and understand where you're coming from where they're concerned.
Have you tried seeing a therapist or counselor? I ask because I was at what I knew was the end of a horrible relationship, and just hadn't been able to leave due to the guilt I felt (the guy threatened to kill himself if I left). The therapist gave me the little push I needed to get out of a bad situation by reminding me that I wasn't responsible for someone else's feelings and actions, I owed him nothing, and I deserved better. It may help you as well.
I wish I had better advice.
I wish you the best of luck with your situation. Your wife and SS sound like leeches.
OMG ~~~ RUN !!!! It's never
OMG ~~~ RUN !!!!
It's never gonna change ~ save yourself. Your sanity is at stake. A mother smoking weed with her kid ~ what a mother of the year !!!
I can't really take the
I can't really take the animals with me,also because she'd get real vindictive on top of that. See she thinks she can keep pushing the line and I'm just supposed to sit back and take it,but when I make some real moves she acts all shocked. Welcome to the real world honey.
Therapy is beyond us at this point, no one can talk us into doing things. Just going to have to make that choice I guess.
One thing I wanted to do in the meantime since nothing seems to phase them,is throwing a little scare into em by having a cop come by and check em out for the weed or something;
Neither of them work,he's 18
Neither of them work,he's 18 and still in 10th grade and she's on 'disability'. She uses social security money for the weed of course,oh but it's only a little bit a week and she claims it helps with her pain...yeah sure use that line. Then why does she need to sneak around with him to do it? It's a warped way of bonding if you ask me...what she's doing is teaching him as she did. She used to cut class and smoke weed back in school and claims she 'turned out fine',what a laugh. She got lucky is all to be able to keep jobs,only because the other applicants were probably worse or they kissed up to the bosses. Hate to tell her that hey things aren't guaranteed to turn out for him like that...especially since he's had no one to tell him right,not that he'd listen anyway. He laughs lessons off just like his rebel mom. I can only hope every day that life snags them somehow but so far nothing...
I could call the cops while I'm at work but I'd rather be here to do damage control and also see their reactions,besides they usually do it on weekends when I'm home. They probably have some left over on Monday but I'm not sure what goes on while I'm at work.
The only 'contributions' she makes is she gets SSD checks and pays some bills,so that apparently gives her carte blanche to do anything in the world? Would I be so arrogant to do as I please,go out to strip clubs etc simply because I had the money? Uh no. That's a morality thing.
It's mostly their cockyness that psses me off more than the principle of weed...
Not for nothing but
Not for nothing but apparently criminalization for marijuana is overrated from what I've been seeing,people do it all the time here and it's no biggie. Anyway I'd have to be the least likely to go to jail since I've got many witnesses,including writings in forums such as this expressing my disapproval over it.
I'm in Pennsylvania and as
I'm in Pennsylvania and as far as I know marijuana is still technically illegal here.
As far as the animals,we kind of did rescue together...that was one of the few things that bound us together.
Well making your disapproval
Well making your disapproval of it public is to publically acknowledge you know what they are doing. You are publically acknowledging that something illegal is going on in your home, yet you have not informed the police. You are in that case, aiding and abetting them to commit this crime.
Leave, it really s that simple.
Yeah maybe if I finally call
Yeah maybe if I finally call them then that will show I'm serious and blow things up here enough to make her mad enough to mutually end this thing.
Probably because she's an
Probably because she's an expert at head games...everytime I get ready to go she turns on the sob stories.
Sorry,sniffing up the wrong
Sorry,sniffing up the wrong tree...I'm not him. If I was,I would have bailed already. It is possible some people here have similar sounding stories...after all,it seems the steplife is driving many of us batty;
Leave and leave the animals,
Leave and leave the animals, like an op said. But absolutely do call animal welfare in your area if you think they're in danger. Your "wife" and her son shouldn't have custody of any animals. They should be appearing before a judge who will likely send them to jail and rehab.
Leave and call 911 on them.
I know the animals will most
I know the animals will most likely end up in a pound or put to sleep,as a few of them are senior rescues. Like I said they're like kids to me because I've no interest in human children for obvious reasons; But I really am weighing things out,before I do something and end up in jail or something that would really defeat the purpose of me getting out of here eventually...
The animals are like children
The animals are like children to you. The reality is they are not kids, they are animals. You cannot allow animals to destroy your health and well being, you cannot allow animals to keep you in a situation where you feel you could potentially do something that would cause you to end up in jail. However the choice is yours, if you choose to keep using these animals as an excuse to stay in this relationship then own it. You can leave, if you really wanted to you could kennel them until you found a suitable place to live with them. Have you begun looking for a place yet. Or do you really want to stay where you are. If you stay and you do something that lands you in jail, you have no one and no animal to blame, it will be the result of choices you made.
You must not be an animal
You must not be an animal owner,you don't understand. It's true that they are great stress reducers,and maybe it's misplaced happiness but they're some of the few things left that I care about around here. It's about as close as I'm going to get to having my own family,as dysfunctional as it is,even though I never wanted to get married or have kids. And like I said it's also guilt of leaving her behind with everything to fall down on her,if I knew she had something to fall back on I'd feel a little better.
If I really thought I'd end up in jail I would just take off,as a survival reflex. Which could happen in another way if things should turn violent here. And which usually happens around summer,when I've got battles with the neighbors in addition to domestic stuff.
Maybe I am really a glutton for punishment,like it's a test of strength to see how much I can take before I do something about it.
You must go. Thats all i have
You must go. Thats all i have for you. You know it too.
It's got nothing to be with
It's got nothing to be with not being an animal lover. I just value human life more. I'm not sure what your looking for here. You already have all your excuses for staying. No matter what anyone says,you come back with I an excuse as to why you have to stay. If you want to stay, stay. If you want to leave, leave. Interestingly you didn't answer my question as to whether or not you've even bothered to look for a suitable home for yourself and the animals.
Why is it interesting? Of
Why is it interesting? Of course I have a plan mapped out...just a matter of when the heat gets too much.
You have a plan mapped out,
You have a plan mapped out, but the question again is, have you even bothered to physically look for a place for yourself and the animals. It's interesting because your failure to answer is in itself an answer.
I don't know why you keep
I don't know why you keep harping on one real it a stall because you have no other solutions?
Right now I'm just concentrating on a way to slip out of here,and I'll say again I do have a place to go. Whether she actually lets the animals come with me,which I doubt,then I'll deal with it then.
Possession is 99% of the law.
Possession is 99% of the law. Why do you feel you have to ask her if you can take the animals? Take your animals and leave. There isn't anything she can do about this legally.
Today's deal is like every
Today's deal is like every Saturday lately,he goes out for a couple of hours on Fridays to score some weed for them to smoke behind my back...because I disapprove(sue me),then she resents me(for finding them out).
See the way things usually work around here is no matter how ill of character they have,we're just supposed to look the other way like it doesn't exist. Then when someone actually says something,then the guilt and diversions begin.
For example,I know he's got the weed on him and they wait until I go to bed to whip it out. So if I should catch them,she'll think of every lie and diversion in the book to distract me from it...and she's got him doing the same thing! She'd be like oh no he was just coming down to get something to the middle of the night really? So he says to her why is he saying things?...Well maybe if you wouldn't have betrayed my trust long ago,I wouldn't need to call you on it.
It may seem like a small thing,but it's just an example of people's all over character. I know plenty of honest women who would like to be with me,but instead I'm stuck dealing with this.
I really do milk things to the last drop and give every chance before I move on.
So take your animals to an
So take your animals to an honest woman and live happily ever after. I don't see the problem here?
I gave you solutions earlier
I gave you solutions earlier but you choose to keep coming up with excuses to stay. You don't know why I am HARPING on about a non issue. Really. Well f you had answered the question that first time I wouldn't have asked a second, if you hadn't ignored the question the second time, I wouldn't have asked a third. You complained earlier that the place you had to go to may not take the animals. You still,apparently haven't even bothered to ask the question of her about the animals . So you've done nothing but complain here about your miserable existence, not one damn thing about this VERY REAL issue you have of not having suitable accommodation to go to with these animals you profess to love like children. You haven't even bothered to start taking positive steps and finding your own solution to secure a home for them and yourself elsewhere.
You haven't reported this illegal activity to the police.
You still provide a home for them allowing them to us their money for drugs
You haven't left
You haven't even thrown her son out, let alone her
You haven't found a place for her and her son to go to so that you can remain in the current home with the animals.
You haven't made any effort to ask the question can the animals go with you to the place you have in mind.
You've done nothing to help yourself.
You've done nothing to change your circumstances. People can't help people who will not help themselves.
The above are all solutions you could have used to help yourself, but you choose not to, you choose to stay. So don't blame your partner and her son, it's not their fault you are enabling their illegal activity in your home. It's yours. You are not a victim here. You have choices.
I can't throw anyone out,her
I can't throw anyone out,her name is on the mortgage...
And yes I am the damn victim,otherwise I wouldn't post on here. Things could go better,but she's choosing smoking pot as a way to bond with her loser is that enough reason to leave?...
IS your name on the mortgage?
IS your name on the mortgage? How the hell did she get a house with no JOB?
Well from what you write,
Well from what you write, she's choosing pot over you too. You say you can't stand it. You say illegal activity is going on in your house and you say neither one of them will work. You portray both of them to be lazy potheads and you say she defends her son when you get upset over this. Is that a good enough reason to leav damn straight it is. A partner who chooses to bludge off you, takes her sons side over you, refuses to work, and uses whatever money she has, whether it be yours or welfare, or savings whatever, she has money to buy pot, and is not supporting you emotionally, in fact, according to you giving you a miserable unhappy life which you stay in only because of animals, is certainly a good reason to leave. But you, well you know this is wrong,. You know this is illegal, you know she defends her son over you, you know they both won't work, you know you need to find a place to accommodate yourself and your animals, and you have a job. You can get up and change your life, you are definitely not a victim n this. You are making a choice to stay. You are not dependent on her financially, you could be independent if you wanted to, but YOU CHOOSE to stay. So stay, that's fine, but don't blame her, the son or the animals for your poor choices. And no matter what anyone here comes up with. In suggesting ways in which you can help yourself, you come back with am excuse not to. You can choose to see yourself as a hero, or a martyr or a victim,. But your just a guy who makes bad choices and sticks with them because it's just easier than doing something about it.
And how does her name being on the mortgage stop you from taking at least one positive step and throwing out the son. Unless of course you are living in her house and your name isn't on the mortgage.
Uh no I don't take the easy
Uh no I don't take the easy way out and never have,in fact I usually take the hard way which is apparently what I'm doing here. Do you understand the mind games she uses to play my emotions? How many times I have started to walk out then she turns on the tears and starts mentioning all this nostalgia we've had through the years etc...or tries to turn it around on me like I'm the bad guy and everything is my fault?
Just got into it tonite again,which happens every flipping year around the holidays...let the guilt fly^
About how I'm so cruel to her and her son etc...which all boils down to one thing- she can't stand that I'm onto the games and I call her on them every time. She'd just like some typical gullible dope who will play along with everything...I may have seemed passive when she met me but what a surprise when she found out I'm as sharp as a rattlesnake too!
As far as throwing out the try doing that to a rabid mother who I've said name is on the mortgage. Even if the house was in my name,how much leverage do you think I would have since both our names are on the marriage certificate also?
Takes two to play mind games.
Takes two to play mind games. If you choose to buy into them, that's your choice. You've got nothing nice to say about this woman, nothing at all, you can make excuses all you like for staying. But the reality is, she puts a roof over your head and you put up with this because it's EASIER than getting off your bum, finding suitable accommdation for yourself and the animals and living by yourself paying rent.
But no matter, you've got an answer for everything, and none of it is your fault. Your just a poor wee victim aren't you. You can't leave because she will cry. Truth is you won't leave because your getting a payoff for staying. A roof over your head and a warm body in your bed. Doesn't matter to you if she is, to use your words, rabid, lazy and a pothead. Do her a favour, leave, you clearly have no respect for her or her son. Leave and allow her to find someone who wants her, not someone who uses her.
Beaccountable - I am with you
Beaccountable - I am with you on this one sounds like Keegan to me.
So she and her adult son
So she and her adult son smoke pot in her house (torture guy said her name is on the mortgage) Not legal but it is her home. So I assume at some point she either had a job or the house was left to her. She can't be on disability and have assets like that. So there is a lie there somewhere.
Second he knows of good women that want him - problem solved take your pets and go there.
Oh yes if he wants out he
Oh yes if he wants out he will find a way. They are animals not kids!
He says his animals are like
He says his animals are like kids to him. Hopefully he never becomes a father if he thinks this lifestyle is good for kids.
That issue was addressed
That issue was addressed further back. He thought his backside was covered because he told people that he was against drug use in his house, and also because he had expressed that here to. I pointed out to him that he was also publically admitting to everyone he was well,aware of the illegal activity going on in his home and publically admitting he knew about it. But that went nowhere. He has an answer for everything, because he thinks he is a helpless victim in all of this. Yeah right. He is a hopeless enabler more to the point.