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situation avoided for now

grace8205's picture

Skid 21 got dumped by his GF18 who he was living with. They lived in her parents old house, which they moved into a brand new house and left 2 daughters (GF’s sister was prego at the time) and let them live there with there BF’s and everyone is expected to pay $500 per month. That is a whole other story there.

Well since skid and her are broken up he doesn’t want to stay there and at least DH has learned that I won’t allow him to come back here. He did test the waters by saying “I don’t know what I am allowed to do for my son? I don’t know if he is allowed to stay here for a few weeks? I don’t know if I can help him financially get a place?”

I told DH he is not moving in temporarily or for a night, I said if we need to help in some other way, that it is a consideration, but it would be a loan that needs to be paid back.

When he was kicked out of there we ended up him up in a place, first months rent and damage deposit. He decided to move in with GF and damage deposit was pissed away soon after that since her parents didn’t require any of these kids living in their house to pay it.

DH did not like that but he agreed to it. He needs to learn that poor decisions and not planning cost him not us. I don’t mind helping someone but I am not going to enable him being an entitled ungrateful brat.

Skid told DH that BM was letting him stay at her house over the long weekend and neither one of us was sure if he was still there after the weekend or not. Skid called DH and told them that BM and her husband are letting him stay there for a couple months until he can save some money for his own place.

That is such a relief! I am quite surprised that BM and her husband offered that to him. DH and BM do not speak at all, DH spoke to her a year ago when we kicked him out and did not offer him a place at her house, because she does want him either. I don’t care what made her change her mind now, all I know is DH and I are for once off the hook (for now anyways).

notasm3's picture

My SS30 has been kicked out of so many living arrangements. Now most of them were sleeping on the floor at various drug dens - but even addicts sometimes have standards and kick out undesirables. Sometimes SS latched on to older men and women (especially those who had lost a child), but in the end the landlords invariably kicked him out while threatening to evict his benefactors.

And sometimes he found girlfriends with homes and steady jobs to mooch off of. More than one of them had him escorted out with police escort for his drunken violent aholiness.

The ONE consistent factor has been that SS can NEVER spend even one might in our (my) home even in transition. That was also true with BM and her DH.

But now that SS has a GF that has produced a crotch dropping BM and her DH are all over both of them. Wonder if they will take him in if (when) the GF kicks him out?