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SGS's birth

ETexasMom's picture

MSD gave birth on Saturday morning. Never called DH to tell him she was in active labor or had had the baby. I guess that was his punishment for not coming up there the moment he knew she was being induced. He finally called Saturday evening to check on her and she told him she's had the baby that morning and would be in the hospital a few days. He asked for a picture of the baby and she told him he wasn't allowed to post it online or say anything about her having the baby. He was fine with that. She didn't even send him a picture till the next day.

So in typical SKid everything is about me fashion MSD waited till Christmas morning to make a big dramatic announcement on Facebook about having the baby. The baby is cute. I asked DH when he was driving out there to see the baby and he didn't know yet. The whole thing was a little odd.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I don't know if it's that odd or not.

My SBro and SIL only told my SF, Mom, DH and I that they had my niece. They didn't tell her family until the next day, and were out of the hospital when they told SBro's BM. They never made a formal announcement and asked that everything stay offline.

I thought it was all odd and that my SBro and SIL were being overprotective until all the crazy that happened when family started finding out. SIL's ENTIRE family - including small children - showed up at the hospital for FIVE HOURS. SIL had an emergency c-section and didn't want to be bother by anyone other than her mom, dad, and grandmother. Even when my SBro told leave, they just waited in the waiting room until she was "rested enough" to see them all. SIL got zero sleep that day and her family was mad that only some of them got to see her and my niece for five minutes at a time.

I won't even go into what SBro's BM did. She had already shown her colors at the baby shower by telling SIL she owed her $40 for her baby shower gift. She was livid that she wasn't the first informed, and later disowned my SBro at Christmas that year because he was a "bad son who kept his daughter from her family". That woman is the epitome of GUBM-MOTY who I think wrote many of BM Playbook chapters our BMs use now.

I'm not saying your DH is like my SBro and SIL's families, but SD may have just decided that this is what she wanted and that's how it's going to be. It would be super odd in an intact family, but if there has ever been drama, even if created by her, I can see why she would put a hiatus on it for the birth of her kid.

2Bloved's picture

My husband was in charge of communicating my status during my labor and delivery. Our families were sent a picture when we were ready to send a picture, and were also under strict instructions not to share or announce. I can't even remember if it was that night or the next day that pictures were sent, and frankly don't even care. My focus was on my baby, myself, and my husband; not on whether or not appropriate family members were informed.

bah's picture

My DH found out when I checked Facebook. He had known that the c section was scheduled that morning and was imagining all sorts of dire outcomes. But, nope, new parents only had enough time and energy to communicate with everyone on social media. He got a text an hour later. They suck.

ETexasMom's picture

It's odd because it's a 180 for MSD she wanted DH to get a hotel room and stay in town for the week of her due date. When he told her he couldn't do that because of work but would come visit her once the baby was born she shut him off completely. She wasn't too worried about alone tome with the baby because as soon as she was released from the hospital she went to her in laws for their Christmas.