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Really? WTF?

grace8205's picture

Un-f@$king believable.
My husband on Friday told me he is going to sell his mustang to his son on credit on a discounted rate. I totally disagreed with him. Anytime he lent skid money he has never paid it back. So now he is going to give him a second mustang? Are you F-ing serious?
When me and DH married August 30th of last year, he hid $30K worth of debt from me, I found out and he said he would have it paid off in a year. It is near the end of July the debt is $45K, partly because we went to an auction and bought a second corevette. He likes to tell everyone it is his, however we bought it together, I already owned a newer vette before his time and his has always been jealous that I own a vette and he has a mustang.

Skid and his GF came by today and DH apparently told him he can have the other mustang if he sells the one that was given to him by DH and gives over the cash and that Is it. Also he let skid drive the vette, when I talked to him before about that, since it is my insurance on it. He said he will only let him drive it with him in the car. So what does he do today? Gives skid the keys, and opens the passenger door for GF
and sends them on their way.

I am so livid. I manged to get skid a $2400 tax return instead of the $1200 that is a standard return on the deal that skid starts paying his own car insurance but that never happens, and now this. Well f@4K DH,

He gives thousands of dollars over to his kid each year, if I buy my kid who just graduated high school a bus pass in July I am questioned.

At one time he pointed out that he made twice as much money as me however I have bought more of this house than him which he seems to overlook, I own 87% and he 13%, I have savings of $25K and RRSP of $168K and he has $45K in debit. Really?? WTF! I am so flipping mad!!

misSTEP's picture

Poor guy only having a MUSTANG while you drive a vette. I think my eyes might roll right out of my head.

Of COURSE he will put himself into more debt for a different car. Obviously, this guy is shallow and all about appearances. Which means that, just like you fear, the skid will not make payments. It is told you to that he will for "appearances."

Rags's picture

Time to take the Vette and lock it up while giving DH the message that YOUR asset will not be put at risk by allowing an uninsured driver to use it and until DH clears his debt he better think before he gives up his only free and clear form of transportation (The Mustang).

If DH can't self motivate to deliver on his commitment then you will need to grab him by the short and curlies, tug firmly, and give him clarity.

I would were I in your situation with my SO.

stepmomdavis's picture

I feel for you. It really hurts when decisions that should be made jointly are unilaterally made by ones DH. Mine does the same thing. Loaned his son 2,000 dollars and we have not seen a penny of it. Yet, he eats out at restaurants everyday!

When I buy food for my son or shoes I get the third degree. Needs to know what I bought. I could spend 40 bucks and I help accountable but he can loan his kids our cars, our money and pay for expensive dinners and I am not allowed to say anything.
I like the idea of putting it all on paper. Let him see it in black and white.

notsobad's picture

Putting it all on a spreadsheet is a good idea but be prepared for it to backfire on you.

Most people don't like seeing their mistake in black and white. You may get crap for rubbing his nose in it. An angry reaction takes the blame off him and puts it on you.
What kind of a person does that? Points out faults like that? I thought we were a couple, in this together? Who cares who's paying for what? Stuff like that.

Just be prepared that he might not look at it and start apologizing.