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This Really Aggervate's Me!

Lady's picture

Why is it our DH's tries to keep us away from our SK's even tho we have completely disengaged? The reason my DH does this is because his kids hate me and they have told him to keep me away from them. One reason I resent my DH is I have always went with him on some job's that he does.I use to go get his lunch and take it to him on the job.I would hang out with him and enjoy being with him. His boy's work for him also so they are always with him to on the job. So instead my DH never ask's me anymore to go with him on his job.His kids get their way again.It hurts me that if I did show up at my DH job their would be a conflict because Dh kids would jump me for sure.Thing is I will jump back and my DH knows that I will.I guess DH dont want me to jump on them so I guess this is another reason he dont want me there.What my DH should do if I want to show up on his job and his kids get ugly with me is stand up for me!. Oh and the DIL's go anytime they want to on the job.Just pisses me off real good and I resent my DH for it. So disengaging hurts me in some ways to. Sad It's my DH fault.

sixteensmom's picture

I'd really try not to bring drama with skids to his workplace. He'll resent that I'm certain. You're right that it isn't fair but his only option would be to fire his sons, which isn't realistic. Think about the hatred you'd get then. Maybe he can get away for lunch with you a few days a week. So you get to see him, which means you win too.

Orange County Ca's picture

Have you considered that you can ignore their digs and insults? By acting as if they're not worth responding to you can take a lot of their away.

You don't ignore them you just act as if you didn't hear the unnecessary remark.