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Petty Lie

jam's picture

Okay, I know this is petty. It is just hard to get my brain around the (why)!

My osd, her husband and their 3 boys came and spent 2 nites with us. We had our Christmas with them on Saturday 12/20/14. Although each time they come my home is completely trashed. They are slobs. I will figure a way to get a handle on that one so that I can enjoy the visits more but on to my question.

I live in a 3 bedroom house. 2 bedrooms on one end and the master bedroom on the other. As my guests were packing up all their gifts and such getting ready to leave, my osd's husband say "oh by the way jam, I think you should know that when we are in the guest room we can hear you talking though the air ducts from your master bedroom. I say "oh, that's interesting" and went about my business. I was not concerned as I know that dh and I have not talked about anything that we would care if they knew or not and I also new we did not have any wild sex or anything Wink .

Okay, so they leave. A couple days later I think I will check into this hearing from the air ducts and so I turn the radio on in the master bedroom and go into the back two bedrooms and I can not hear anything. I turn up the radio and check it out again and still nothing. I closed off the back bedrooms air ducts (which is what I do when the rooms are not in use) and think, what is his problem?

Anyway, just thought I would share and see what your thoughts are.

zerostepdrama's picture

Our house is the same... sometimes you can hear people and sometimes you can't. We can hear people's voices more then we can hear the tv or radio for sure.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

^^This^^. Or play the restaurant scene from When Harry Met Sally.

still learning's picture

They were probably straining to hear what you two were talking about and then purposefully trying to make you uncomfortable. What a couple of twats.