Dh called me just now, from the airport. Not the event he paid 1000 bucks for tickets. Disasterous day. First yesterday his father bailed on going. Then apparently his daughter and bf were supposed to arrive on early flight, be picked up and all go to event. A plan that leaves no room for delays, which happened.
So his grand plan of a sat shot to hell.
My only comments after listening was to say that it could have been so easy.
Meanwhile I am enjoying my 3 days off.
hahahaha. Enjoy your 3 days.
hahahaha. Enjoy your 3 days. Now turn your phone off and really enjoy your 3 days.
no I think I do need to speak
no I think I do need to speak with him when he calls. While I am really angry that he planned to go with his daughters behind my back, I can't be angry that he is spending 4 days with them. He knows that.
What do you mean "behind your
What do you mean "behind your back"? You said you didn't want to go.
Dh and I both estranged from
Dh and I both estranged from his daughters until he began calling one about 2 yrs ago. AT MY URGING. I don't have to rehash all that they did over our wedding and in the months after.
But dh and I had been attending this event for 9 yrs together. Yes his parents would attend sporadically
Then when I told dh we needed to buy tickets he told me his daughters were coming and my choice was to go or not!
I don't know but I hear a lot of you saying you will be disengaged and support dh with his kids as long as your dh doesn't blow you off and your plans together.
+1 for turning your phone
+1 for turning your phone off.
its his little plans turning sour. just smile to yourself that he brought it on himself.
let him cry alone.
Some people are so dense. Dh
Some people are so dense. Dh sends me a text telling all about the event yesterday including a picture of his clubhouse steak. Telling me how expensive the restaurant was this year. I held back a few zingers and just wished him a good few days off.
I find that I can't hide my feelings in my voice much better to text.
When your husbands are off with their kids you are totally disengaged from, do you talk, or do you also have a hard time? I try truly don't want to hear about it.
I personally don't want to
I personally don't want to hear DH guffawing about having fun with people who would rather I get hit by a Mack truck.
You nailed it! LOL. I think
You nailed it! LOL. I think he is just going to stick to texting. He finally has it figured out. Well ok 90 percent. I didn't need to see photo ops from yesterday.
I love Karma. It is
I love Karma. It is sometimes difficult to sit back and let Karma do her job, but so worth it in the end. My DH always blames Karma on me; like really??????
Karma has been visiting often with my DH and SD, in regards to their relationship. Of course it's my fault, but then I am to blame if the sun goes behind a cloud.
Love my disengagement from their relationship.
when something bad happens to
when something bad happens to the skids due to their own bad decisions or being mean to people i just smile to my self and say nothing. disengagement is a wonderful thing.
being fired from a job. being dumped by a boyfriend. you name it. a lot can happen when you mistreat people.
she once went to a friends party when she was living with us and came home very upset because there were several young men there that she had been intimate with. clearly her mother did nothing to teach her that its not empowering to be passed around a group of men like a cheap bottle of beet.
she no longer lives with us. i showed her the door after she told me to my face to f- off. thank fully dh had the balls and brains to support me in this.
Yep, to sit back and watch it
Yep, to sit back and watch it happen is delightful, after SD tells you to your face to F-off. You are an Angel for not putting your foot (literally) in her mouth.
I have a short fuse and it would have probably happened with me, just thru reflex. Good for your disengagement; I had to disengage, so I wouldn't go to jail. Lol....
the best part of
the best part of disengagement is sitting back and watch the consequences of the bad decisions of dh and skids.
i say to myself, i told you so.
my advice is always ignored and my intelligence insulted any way.
Ya, no pity for
Ya, no pity for self-inflicted wounds!
My Karma is: They called me
My Karma is: They called me a bitch and now I am a "real" bitch. I even told SD and DH, you wanted one, you got one.