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A grieving daughter’s suspicions about her stepmother - advice columnist's take

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Be sure to read the comments: they are many and thoughtful AND - surprise, surprise!! - mostly sympathetic to the stepmother! The advice to the adult SD that comes across loud and clear is this: Grow Up! ( and look at your own behavior). So this forum is really not that far off from the mainstream, methinks...

Anon2009's picture

If SDs and SMs are close in age (sounds like these two are) then I think it will likely be very hard for them to get along.

This columnist gave good advice, and I really hope the sd will follow it.

jennaspace's picture

I appreciated the commentators not automatically assuming everything daughter said about SM was true. Sounds like the daughter is doing what my DHs family did to me. While they despised/or rejected/ or were rude to me (depending on which one), they wanted me at family gatherings. My absence meant less time with dad and bio son just b/c I'm really the only one who makes an effort. Also having a scapegoat drew them together.

There is no indication SD likes her or wants to be with her. I'm sure she is rude to a person she thought wrongfully took her dad's money and possibly hastened his death. And yet she still wants to use family gatherings as proof that SD is the victim despite the fact it's obvious the family talks about SM . Apparently she thinks SM doesn't figure it out or more likely doesn't care. Typical, typical.