Wow! BM is REALLY worried about the modification!
Something is definately up. We served BM with the modification paperwork and she has already agreed to drive the kids one way (one hour drive) for visitation with us. Something she swore would never happen. BM and DH got into a pretty big argument on the phone Friday which ended when he told her to get a second job if she couldn't support herself on the Guideline child support. She then had the kids call us three times the next day. When we finally answered, SS12 said "mom wants to talk to you" and she got on the phone like nothing had even happened the night before. She keeps telling DH that she wants to meet with him in person to go over the paperwork and negotiate. I told DH she was pushing this so that she could try one of her old methods to get what she wants from him 1) try throwing a piece of ass his way, 2) guilt trip him, and if all else fails 3) have the kids there to tell him what a jerk he is. DH totally agrees and so he told her they could talk over the phone and there really was no reason for him to negotiate - we are going to get everything we asked for from the judge (alternating holiday visitation, guideline child support, etc).
She is in a complete panic to negotiate this stuff out and not go to court. I can't figure out why - I would think she'd WANT to go back and try to get back child support (DH has paid all he could each month, but has not been able to give her more than $2000 most months). I am thinking that she doesn't want us to see her recent tax return. She claimed all of the kids and the house (which DH and BM both own). She may also make more money then she has claimed before. I don't know, but its sure been fun listening to her squirm!
Do not negotiate. Something
Do not negotiate. Something is up and the only way to find out is to get all the documents in mediation.