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SD changed her last name??? Without consent of father???

buterfly_2011's picture

We just got mail from the Child support division. DH daughter has changed her last name. Can she do that without his permission? She is only 17. He is devastated. We also had the sheriff at our home today to deliver papers from his ex. We were not here but called him and he is coming back tomorrow. What the heck? We had her served regarding visitation. She already has full custody. What could she possible be serving us with..........

buterfly_2011's picture

The papers have her mom's maiden name yes. Weird thing is BM still has HIS last name. I guess tomorrow we shall find out what more she has up her slimy pant leg. Since the skids left it's been a very difficult time..... i can't even imagine not being able to talk to or see my children because my crazy EX associates everything with how much more money can I get from you and how badly can I hurt you.

StickAFork's picture

You served BM for visitation with a 17 year old?!? That just seems...pointless.

Anyhoo, my kids all changed their last name to my maiden name. No more last name of asshole father. No, we didn't need to notify him or get permission...

buterfly_2011's picture

NO! My DH has two sons. One is 11 and one is 15. She up and moved over 200 miles away. Didn't go through the courts to do it. Just up and left. So we are serving her because HE wants to see his children. If you read some of my blogs you will see what I'm talking about.
And my DH isn't an asshole father! He has been in their lives since day one. He isn't even the bio father of TWO of them but he adopted SD17 when she was 2 and adopted SS15 as soon as he was born. He is and always has been a part of their lives!

StickAFork's picture

I'm not saying your DH is an asshole father. My XH is. I still had his last name, too. Weird, because we changed names in two for awhile my kids had my maiden name, and I had XH's name (and I;m remarried!)

It's doable.