X threatens court
I thought everything was good until this last weekend. My dh has been driving a distance of 60miles one way on Saturday and then returning him home on Saturday (4 trips) EOW to pick up his 16 year old. He has done this for YEARS because he did it for his older two also. He was divorced for years. Well, he was in a real (I mean REAL) financial crunch and since his boy was older started picking him up on Saturday and spending the entire day with him close to the boy's home, spending real quality time with him. 8 hours of movies, lunch, tennis, golf & visiting with his older son and then dropping him off at home.
Well---the s... hit the fan & his X realized that she would no longer have Saturday night "free" she called my dh and told him she hadn't agreed to the change in visitation schedule & wants to take him to court because he isn't taking the boy for overnighters. She could care less about his financial problems (HIS CAR BROKE DOWN ON THREE DIFFERENT OCCASIONS IN THE LONG TRECK---FOR STARTERS)anyway-----the b thinks the judge will order overnighters! I don't think sooooo! She is in for a surprise!!!!!!
Has anyone ever heard of a judge doing this???