When kids forget to bring stuff to school...
So when your kids (bio or step) forget to bring stuff with them to school (homework, backpack, lunch, shoes, extra clothes, etc), do you go and bring it to them? I'm asking because SS likes to call me from school to ask me to bring him stuff that he needs. On average he has called me about once a week since school started. For the record, we live about a 5 min drive to the school and I am a SAHM to him and DD1. So yes, it is not like I'd have to go out of my way to get it to him, but I just think that if he has forgotten it, then he has to face the consequences. I have only brought stuff out twice to him since school started. The first time, he told him he wiped out in the school yhard and needed a change of clothes, but when I got there he came out to meet me and he had a spot about the size of my palm that was wet. I had given him the benefit of the doubt. But I should have known. Anyways, just wondering what your personal rules would be concerning this...
^^ This
My Perfectson24 did this ,
My Perfectson24 did this , but only in HS. He was in IB and had a lot on his plate. I'd bring him his stuff(magnet school across town :O ) but if it was more than once a month I bitched at him about it.
Nope, I don't do it. What
Nope, I don't do it. What would he do if you were not a SAHM? Would you leave work to bring him stuff?
In your case, I would stop
In your case, I would stop bringing SS things to school. I would probably make him a checklist of stuff he needs to have ready the night before and walk him through it for a couple days and then make him responsible for it. I would explain to him the consequence for not following his checklist will be that he does not have the item the next day and that you will not bring it to him.
Growing up, when I forgot to
Growing up, when I forgot to take something to school, I went without it. I had two working parents who couldn't drop everything and rush to school when I forgot something I needed.
Needless to say, I was diligent in making sure I was prepared for school each day.
If he's too young to be responsible for himself, start checking his bag BEFORE he goes to school. Involve him in that process so he becomes familiar with what needs to be done when preparing for school.
I'm little confused as to why
I'm little confused as to why the school allows the child to call you at home once a week because he forgot something.
At my son's school, unless you're sick or you're going freeze to death or something of that ilk - you have what you have. Sorry about your luck that you don't have your -insertforgottneitemhere-.
My son knows better than to call me about something forgotten. By the time my phone rings, he's got a plan of action on how he's going to right his wrong. (ie he forgot a book at school, he left his lunch bag, he left his gloves). He's ten.
We make a policy not to do
We make a policy not to do this...SS and BS knew to bring what they needed. I think in 5 years, it has happened once. You have to say no and stick to it...
Your position in life has
Your position in life has nothing to do with your SS not being responsible. I "work from home" and am also "expected" do drop anything to tend to my skids needs. I just don't. I can't. So, I also agree with the others. But since you've set a precedence, it would be fair to let him know that you are sorry for doing thing for him that he can do himself, and starting tomorrow, should he forget something, you will no longer be covering for him and he will be suffering any consequences himself. You can offer to help him organize his things until he gets into the habit. You should not care about his business more that he does - and you do at the moment at times...Doing as you have been only teaches him things you don't really want him to learn. Check out Love & Logic parenting materials!