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what have they learned?

MadeMyBed's picture

I think I am going to ask DH how his relationship with me is different from his and BM's and what he notices is different.

For example: DH (and his family) have mentioned how controlling BM was when they were married. Everything had to be her way and she would berate anyone who didnt do what she wanted. I guess she would be rude to service industry people to get her way. I told DH "didnt your mom tell you to pay attention to how your date treats the waiter?" Wink

I just wonder if they have learned anything. Like what is like to be in a relationship where you are partners, where your opinion matters, where someone isnt using you.

Anyone ever talk about this with their DH?

MrsDaisaku's picture

Oh i most definitely have... My partners ex used him, berated him, made him feel insignificant and like less of a human being for some of his hobbies. She used him like a lap dog and wore down his own self confidence that he wasnt even really a man when i met him.

I can safely say that his confidence is higher than its ever been, i dont use him or belittle him and everything we do is as a team. Hes definitely got it better and he always says he could NEVER go back to living like that. Not to mention he has finally learnt how to stand up to the ex, which makes me so proud. I'm one lucky lady, shame about the baggage, but its worth it.