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uuuggghhhhhh!!! go outside!

MadeMyBed's picture

Ok, over the "hump" on the SSs visit. Phew! Good thing I am working 3 days this week! }:)

Anyways, we live "up north" where it can be pretty cold this time of year. Today we are having a little tham- 60 degrees! But do the SSs go outside while they can? Are you kidding me? Draping themsleves all over the furniture is an Olympic spor tin our house. I hate always having to say to DH "dont you think they should go outside and DO something??" Been saying it for 7 years now. AND we live right next to a park! Oh well........

mashpeebonusmom's picture

That sucks, we too live "up north" and its incredibly warm today. Luckily my skids love being outside.

MadeMyBed's picture

the youngest (SS10) likes to play outside but BM wont let him go to the park NEXT TO OUR HOUSE alone so SS16 has to go with him. SS16 HATES the outdoors-always has since Ive know him since he was 9.

mashpeebonusmom's picture

I dont know how I'd feel about a ten year old going to a park by themselves even if it was right next to my house. I guess it would depend on the neighborhood. I do let my sd who is 11 take the dogs out for walks around the neighborhood and thro the woods. Times are different now we use to go out and not come home til the lights came on.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I feel you there. I can't even get SD6 to go out on a screened porch! While it is warm!
It is ridiculous. Must be indoors 24/7 demanding attention. Nobody will teach her to entertain herself. I could, quite quickly. " Just the SM though" here...

I do not like having all of my things messed with and jumped on either. She does that at home so it does not make it easy on us here.

MadeMyBed's picture

went home for lunch- yep, SSs were lounging in the finished basement in shorts and T-shirts with the gas fireplace blasting playing video games. Had asked DH when I got home if the heat was one (TRYING to save some $$) and he said "yep!" I said "get those kids outside!!"