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Update to BM stopping communication including a little rant by me

theoutsider's picture

So BM suddenly stopped acknowledging FDH emails (see LONG STORY BM stops communicating and Blames FDH)
She was no talking to him at pick ups and drop offs, not responding to his emails by texts, phone calls Nothing.

So after FDH sent a text saying basically SHE had shut down communication, to unblock his email.
(FDH lawyer has not responded yet,...argh!)
It took 2 full days but we finally at 9pm Wednesday night get back AN EMAIL FROM BM!! :jawdrop: Huh??? After she swears she will never again communicate through email,...."Phone calls ONLY"
Oh BM let me count the ways you try to screw with FDH!

I won't quote the whole email, as it was very long but she included demands such as
"You need to notify me by no later than 12pm on Thursday via PHONE as to what you plan to do."
which FDH replied last night in text
"I am notifying you to your phone that I sent an email response."

She also included lines such as:
"If you were allowed to make a phone call to me...we could have settled this like 2 mature adults days ago. Being that I only check email every couple of days." :sick:
Oh so NOW BM you are saying that FDH is the one not being mature and you are totally mature for ignoring emails and then flat out blocking emails that were being sent to you about your kids..... and NOW the reason you did not respond it NOT because you "stopped using your yahoo" which you said in an email a month ago, NOT because you said you "blocked" FDH from emailing your gmail account which you said 3 days ago,........It's because you only check your email "every couple of days" and you were TOTALLY being mature about that WHOLE situation when you replied "Nope, I have blocked your email if you want to talk to me call me"....
And also BM apparently thinks FDH is being stopped from making phone calls by someone else,..."if you were allowed to make phone calls" RIGHT because FDH WANTS to talk to you SO BAD and I must be the one stopping him...

She even further pushes it by saying:
"My phone is on 24/7, I don't screen my calls...nor does my boyfriend screen my calls for me. If you want or need to reach the kids, you always have that alternative" AND she adds a little laughing face icon and a little mobile phone icon next to it!
She was talking about having no idea why the kids phone was given back to us smashed and not working, so we turned off service to the phone. But EVERY TIME she is pushing for FDH to call her phone. She is just aching for that one on one where she can scream at him....

Gawd!,... but at least she is talking again and came to her senses about ignoring FDH's emails,...

FDH also included in him email he sent in response last night
"From now on all communication I will be verifying through email so there is a complete record of what is going on with the kids."

twoviewpoints's picture

:sick: She's certainly a stubborn old mule.

Newflash for Old Daisy: if there's nothing in CO about deadlines for notifications nor method, she's just blowing hot air. She keeps this little hissy up and it comes before a court, the judge will think both parents are acting like toddlers. The upside is DH is under no specific CO to comply with her demands. She has no legal standing via a CO to make the 'rules' as she goes along. The 'my way or , or ______, what? Did she happen to be stupid enough to actually state 'what' happens if DH does not do as demanded? If the silly lady actually threatens to without visitation or whatever, she cut off her nose to spite her face. Withholding would actually be contempt.

kathc's picture

A lot of people get email communication only written into their COs to protect against crazy. I suggest you mention that to your DH. That way he will have record of everything if BM tries claiming he said things he didn't, etc. That's WHY she wants phone she can make up stories and there's no proof.

theoutsider's picture

I told FDH last night that I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to the conversation someone must have had with BM telling her she was wrong and needed to respond to the information and questions FDH sent her in email reguarding her kids,

She was so dead set about never emailing again and said she blocked his emails,... Then two days later TaDa! An email response! Lol