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turning off sponge bob

doglover1's picture

and i dont want the darn tv on untill sunday when skids get back.....yey! In fact I would love to take that damn noise box and smash it with a hammer!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to share my joy of no kiddy tv for 2 hole days..thanks

Sita Tara's picture

Just the TITLE of your post made me smile. I think that in small doses turned down low Sponge Bob is sometimes funny. I worked for a Retinal surgeon who absolutely LOVED that show and I thought that was cute (b/c my sons were too little at that time and I watched it once or twice out of curiosity of what a seemingly nerdy late 30's surgeon would find so addictively funny.


Then my kids turned 9 or so and fell IN LOVE with the show- and Nick started playing it nearly 24/7. Now BD 3 LOVES it b/c her sibs turn it on when she's watching TV and I'm pre-occupied (ummm on ST- It's on right now as a matter of fact.) That show is unbearable to me now- like NAILS on a chalkboard when that stupid sponge LAUGHS, or his friend Patrick babbles in utter stupidity. What's funny is that the only characters I think are redeemable now, are the "villians." I cheer for Squiqward b/c I sympathize with his quest for solitude and respite from his obnoxiously unselfaware spongy and starry neighbors. I understand that why Mr. Crab is so CRABBY.

And long for the day that Plankton succeeds in his plot to take over all of Bikini Bottom.

There. I've said it. I am a miserly hum bug of all things FUN.

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

Tara12's picture

My FH is 48 and loves spongebob. I don't know how he could love NPR and listen to it religiously and then sit there and watch spongebob for hous like he is 5. One day I had had enough and took all the batteries out of the remotes and unplugged the tv's cuz I couldn't stand to hear him talk about patrick anymore!!! I made him go clean the garage!