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Things BF ignores/believes

Cookieboom's picture

When BM was pregnant with DS, she told BF, “You know, this IS your baby.”  BF didn’t think that was an odd thing to say…WTF?????

BF told me that while they were still married he found phone of BM spending hours upon hours on the phone with her now (married) BF.  He told me he didn’t have the courage to confront her.  To this day she doesn’t know he has this info.  Unbelievable!!!!!!

Like I said before, her BF keeps going back and forth between her and his wife.  When he went back to his wife the first time, she tearfully told BF at DS drop off, “You know, I never cheated on you with him.”  BF (Like an idiot) tells her that he believed her.  WHAT?????? If that isn’t a Freudian slip than I don’t know what is!!!!

AND I’M THE SKANK????????????????????????????????????????????????

tog redux's picture

I don't get these men who are so afraid of their exes. Why is he even having conversations with this woman about anything other than the basics needed to co-parent?

Harry's picture

She needs many men to keep her happy.   You must file with the courts for a CO.  There are a lot of Nutty therapist out there also.  No judge will go for this information from nuttyville 

Cookieboom's picture

I don't get either...she's a nobody....These conversations were before the arrest.  He has no contact now, but I am finding out alot of stuff dealing with the legal stuff.  He is currently trying to file a CO, it looks like shes going to charged with contempt.  


SteppedOut's picture

Yikes... I read a couple of your prior posts... how long have you been with bf? Are you sure you want this level of drama to be your life? All this will not stop when his kid turns 18 - this will be forever. 

Sometimes love is just not enough. 

Cookieboom's picture

Hi, we've been together a few years, Yes I know love is not always enough.  I truly believe that she should have been put in her place years ago (DS included, he always lets them walk all over him) and she does not treat her married BF like that, she kisses his butt...I made it very clear to BF that when he gets DS back I will not tolerate going backwards....I have disengaged a long time ago and have nothing to do with BM/DS, but she keeps talking about BF and I,  and demanding that BF break up with me as our relationship is "affecting DS"  I was once told by a freind that BF must still be sleeping with BM as BM "wouldn't act that way otherwise" but I have been told that it seems to be that it is killing her as she can't stand to see BF happy.....IDK, whenever I was dumped by someone I kept it moving!

Thumper's picture

I hope your bf told bm to take a hike. WHY does the therpist believe this is best for bf child?

Complete over reach from bm's therapist. Has this therpist ever interviewed you? How many sessions has the therapist had WITH you? With you and the child? I must assume a big fat ZERO.

Therapist should be teaching the kid skills to cope with 2 separate homes that have 2 separate dynamics.

What does boyfriend say about this?



Cookieboom's picture

Hi Thumper,  

BF has not spoken to BM (RO in effect-Family court judge just lifted DS off of it). BM and her lawyer are dragging thier feet to get BF/DS together and she was served with contempt charges when she failed to give BF the name of DS's therapist, her lawyer sent BF's lawyer the therapist information with the long email about how therapist "knows how DS feels."   BF's lawyer thinks BM is making it up.  No one has spoken to the therapist, BF left a message for therapist for he and DS to start therapy and has not heard anything yet.  

BF thinks that if therapist did indeed say this, then he is listening to BM's lies and DS is being coached to say the same (BM claims that DS is with the therapist alone but BF doesn't believe that)...