On the way to the therapist last night, Stink said “Ya know, YOU made ME feel really stupid today.” The kid should feel stupid every day, I asked why. He said his teacher said something to him….hahahaha. I said “Oh, about the lie you made up about her keeping the class late.” Yeah. I told him "well, it was a stupid lie, you should feel stupid about." I told him every time he tells me something I think is bullshit I WILL be verifying it, he must have thought I forgot. I asked why you did it. I got IDK then I forget. I read him the riot act. He said “well, I felt bad about being so late.” I just said now you feel stupid.
I briefly talked to the therapist last night about what the teacher told me. She said, he is high functioning , she said Aspies at this level can “learn” to behave in social settings. Like she said in one-ones-on-ones , he is totally different. She understands why I get so frustrated because even she thinks he is difficult at times. She said in group he does act that why. She has called him several times about playing her.
When he comes home from school, when there is something stressful at school (exams), he’ll run out to the house for his “walk”. This means, he goes out to walk and flap. Or he’ll go in the backyard and wander around flapping. UGH, I can’t stand the flapping. The therapist has been saying she thinks he is beginning to be able to hold together in school now. In 6th grade the teachers reported the flapping and pacing. She said she thinks that when he comes home, the flood gates open and he just starts flapping. Which kinda makes sense.
The funny thing was, when we were up north this kid would get off his lazy ass to do a damn thing. I normally don’t go to pick him up but I went last night. DH was “tired” of going over there. That pissed me off because I am the kid’s freaking taxi service and I am never “allowed” to be tired of doing something. Anyway, we got there early and Stink said “I can’t leave now I have to clean up.” WTF?
Dh and I were suppose to go today to see her, but I wreched my neck and can just about move. We are not going until next week. We are suppose to be working on a plan on unlearning helplessness and enlightening DH is a MAJOR part of the problem. DH sasid, we don't have to go now because the teacher said the kid is normal. The guy is a thick as a brick.
Crayon, You know you are
You know you are right. From what I can recall Asperger’s is relativity ‘new’ and even the doctor that did the eval said although it is official there is still a lot of disagreement over the “syndrome”. Health insurance doesn’t cover it, so the kid is being treated for anxiety. By no means am I doubting or saying it does not exist but I think it was probably around for a really long time but the therapy was a good smack in the head when the flapping and pacing started. I totally agree with you a good smack was the quick cure…not all this therapy ,coddling and other bullshit. I sure Bill Gates’ mom just gave him a smack or two and straightened his ass out, it seems to me he did a lot better than 99.9% of the population.
Let’s face it, there has ALWAYS been kids that were odd-balls without social skills that were just considered “off”. I’m just getting tired of this.
I saw that picture of
I saw that picture of Droopy.....ugh....the head shake is an ugly visual. To bad Droopy didn't copy living under the sea too!
BM claims this flapping shit NEVER happens at her house. But than again this a woman that passes out drunk all the time. DH thought it was normal, that he play acts video games. WTF?
The kid was 14-15 years old and baby talking....both DH and BM thought it was cute...I wanted to punch the kid right in the head.
I really hate to say this, but I got a real load off of me what I said to the therapist that I don't like the kid. Just saying it made me feel so much better.
Are parents REALLY that blind????
Stink use to do exactly what
Stink use to do exactly what you described. He out it.
One time when he was about 8 1/2, he was watching TV in our bedroom. I was in the living room watching TV, he came out and starting puffing he face up, breathing really hard and snorting his nose. He was turning bright red. Then he said something like he didn't like the show I was watching and began punching himself in the face and chest. The last time he punched himself, he knocked himself down. I was like WTF is wrong with this kid.
Other times when he did what you described, he would punch himself so hard you would hear it rattle. Like you descibed it just started out of the blue, a a growl and the punching wrong start. Tarzan?
DH thought it was normal, who am I to queston that?
When I started to train dogs, years before I got this SS creature, I learned to be come very patient. I still ended up on Xanax.
You are describing EXACTLY
You are describing EXACTLY what Stink use to do. The growl was kinda scary like a wild animal but like you said deep. I was never able to put my finger on it because it was a cross between a dog's low, deep throaty warning growl and a wild cat. Like you said out of the blue. Sometimes Stink would start snorting and other times he would just pacing around in a circle shaking his head, growling and punching himself.
He too punched himself really hard...I mean ready hard.
Stink has the wuss gene not the warrior gene. Personally I would prefer a child that had the Warrior gene over the Liberal gene.
WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS???????????????????????????????????
Droopy is playing games
Droopy is playing games younger than his years???? SO is Stink......DH got him this POKEMON game for Christmas, it came with some little thing you have to keep alive. When I saw it.....I almost shoved it down DH's throat. The kid is gonna be 17 yo in 3 f'ing days....and stupid is buying him POKEMON shit? WTF?
Xanax is good.........some
Xanax is good.........some days I wish I had an IV of it.
I was watching an episode of
I was watching an episode of Mad Men the other night (Im on the first season, why havent I been watching this show??) anyways, some of you might remember the scene, but its a birthday party for kids. And one of the kids is running through the house and bumps into an adult. The adult whacks him on the head and the kid's dad makes him apologize to the adult for running into him. I often find myself watching the show and noticing such a huge chasm of difference between those days and these days. Kids were so better behaved and "seen, not heard"!
On another note, I was watching another one of my favorite shows the other night- House Hunters. There was a family with 2 tween girls house hunting and boy, I almost couldnt watch it! These girls were so obnoxious. Like shaking their fingers in the parents' faces like "Nuh uh! Thats not gonna be MY room!" On national TV! And the parents lets them walk all over them- awful!!! I would have been in so much trouble and Im not old- Im 31!
I know what you mean. When I
I know what you mean. When I was I kid, all my mom had to say is you better behave or else. I never wanted to find out what her or else was....I saw some of my friend's mom's or elses.
I shop in an Asian market, it is amazing how mannerly the Asian children are. The place is always packed and you never hear one kid screaming, they say please, thank-you, excuse me.....its like being on another planet. Then you go to Walmart and its totally different. Its not that hard to teach kids to be polite.
These are all great comments
These are all great comments and feedback on here. Im NEW btw, so hi everyone!
I had to laugh b/c I was at my own therapy session today, talking about my step kids and the therapist started in with the: "so how did they feel?" and " you have to respect their choice"....blah blah blah. I finally just told her- thats the problem with todays' kids! We all have to coddle them and ask them how THEY feel before we "hug" and tell them its ok they were brats! LOL Back in my day we did as we were told and the "just wait til your dad gets home" comment usually worked wonders on us! My how things have changed. Parenting is hard period. Just hoping I can survive Round 2 of it!
Im hoping to listen and learn a lot from you all. Im a fairly new step parent, so any advice is helpful. (my own child is 21 and lives on their own! thank goodness)
You have to respect THEIR
You have to respect THEIR choice.....OHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY. Well, life is atwo way street they have to respect YOUR choice too.....even if your choice is kicking them in the butt!
Amazing isn't it? I love the therapist but in one session , we were talking about the pig sty/hamster cage of a room he has and she asked me if I could lower MY standards to meet his needs. I sat there and thought....has she lost her mind???? I told her NO, this is MY house, SS has to live by MY standards. UGH.