Stepmother VS Biological Mother a Major WAR. I need advice please...
For the first couple of years dating my fh I didn’t deal with his X. Finally one morning after her calling at 5:45 in the morning (waking us up) requesting for my fh to pick up the kids and take them to their aunts house, because she couldn’t drive in the deep snow that was the icing on the cake for me.
I told her “call your bf and ask him, my gosh we are so tired of you requesting my fh to do this and that. If something can’t be done then ask your freakin family, and if they can’t help ya then oh well!” I got called in return a “F****ing B****” and ever since then she has been trying to make my life hell ever since. I am the one that basically deals and has chosen to deal with her regarding my fh kids solely due to the fact of some of the things she has said to my fiancée.
In the past when my fh was dealing with his X when she would call it would always be to bitch about this or that, and everytime she would leave voice mails on my fh phone she would always bring my name up. Therefore that would piss me off and the phone call would be made by me back to her. BM in the past has made a comment in the past that she would like to meet my fh and discuss the kids but without me. I find this wrong and so does my fh. She continuously refuses me to be apart of her kids lives, and has made that very clear on voicemail also. After I found out about her wanting to “get together” and meet my fh without me I called and told her that my fh would never ever meet her without me, and that she needs to quit bringing my name up on my fh voicemails. My fh has told her the same but for all these past months she never listens.
It has been a total mess and vicious cycle with the bm and her and I have just been constantly at each others throats finally one day it got so bad to where she called me a couple of times and was laughing at me on my home phone. I was screaming and yelling at her to leave me alone and she was laughing telling me “oh this sounds real good with you being recorded” I told her “ya know what? I’m calling an officer out and getting your for phone harassment” the cop took my report and we sent a copy of it along with a letter stating that any future communication regarding the kids needs to be by certified mail ONLY or action will be taken.
So far since she picked up the certified mail last Feb. we haven’t had to deal with her and it has been sooo nice. God knows we have needed some peace and quiet in our home.
Then the week of Jan 26 she sent a note out with the kids in the note she “demanded” that she will pick up the kids on sun. at 9am well we had plans to go to Nebraska to the zoo. We mailed a letter back to her and told her we were not going to be home and that any future request that she ask for on our time with the kids she send by certified mail only. Well she got ticked off about this and then had the balls to send a letter to my fh work and she told him that the reason why she was sending a letter to his work was because it was meant for him and him only and she refuses to bow down to my demands and communicate solely by certified mail. She stated that she was never going to pick up our certified letters again and just throughout the whole letter she blamed me.
Contacting us by certified mail is the rout my fh and I chose together and yet his X blames me. I think that since all this drama has occurred through the years I think that she senses that I am bothered by her presense and I will admit to you guys I am bothered by her. She upsets me to the point that when she has any communication with me or my fh my neck turns all red and I get hot. She stresses me out and my fh can see this as well. I feel like this woman is trying to break us up or interfere as much as she can in the next 10 months before we get married. I see nothing good in this woman. My fh hates her as well and agrees that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her either and any issues that arises that she needs to do by certified mail. My fh is the love of my life. I have no doubt that I am the love of his life. I know I have found a man that loves me equally and we both give 100% in our relationship, but I just don’t understand why apart of me feels “insecure” when she comes around? And trust me if you saw me and her you would be like…there is no way you should even compare yourself to her LOL! But maybe I am feeling this way because they have a past together? I know everyone has a past heck I have kids and an X myself. I feel that this woman when she has dealth with my fh she thinks she can walk all over him and rely on him and make request as though they were still together as a couple, but I just wonder do I have a good enough reason to be the one dealing with her myself considering some of the stuff that she has done up above in my story?. I am going this weekend to get some “pre- marital” counseling and talk to someone with the way I feel about this woman because I am also feeling inside like I am looking like a “bad person” and I feel like I am just striving or wanting for them to both hate each other so that she stays away…. I cried the other night telling my fh all my emotions in what I feel and he is totally behind me to seek help how we can deal with his X.
Do I have the right to deal with her when we are married? Or should I just let him deal with her and go about my own business if I have stuff planned?? I just hate her in our lives period...
Can any of you guys tell me also before I go to this counselor what you think after reading my story?? Thanks so much….
It starts now....
I didn't marry DH until 09/2008 but my involvment with the BM started way before that. Decisions that are made with you not only show his respect for you, but they also let the BM know that HE respects you and that your relationship is a priority.
I still have moments of insecurity. Not because of her appearence (she's not a beauty queen, but she does have nice arms...LOL). It's because she had 12 years with MY hubby. She had him when he was younger, fertile, energetic and She had 3 kids with him, I haven't. She was there to watch him sail away for deployment and greet him when he returned, I wasn't. She watched him graduate college, I didn't. It's a whole past SHE had with him that I wasn't a part of. But you know what... He's faithful to ME. He comes home to ME, he holds me every night and looks into MY eyes, not hers. No matter how much crap she can throw at us, she cannot break us apart and I REFUSE to let that troll have any influence in my marriage. (I'm still working on it but I can feel it getting better)....
the resentment thatjust won't die
My DH's ex was evil. We have been through so much and it has cost over $30,000. We went for custody only for her to give up their D at the final hearing. Then soon after she signed over her rights. The years (4) that I had to deal with her were so horrible. Every conversation was lies and yelling! She was so mean, manipulative and psycho. We had to get Brinks home security because she was stealing our trash trying to "find something" on us. I was scared of her and her goth friends. But the worse part was the way she would brainwash our (my daughter now-I adopted her) daughter. So much drama. Even a text from her would make me crazy for 2 days. She wrote us off in 2007 and I never had to deal with her again. She died this year. My husband says he has forgiven her, but I haven't. How can I still be so resentful and angry at a dead women?? It's pretty pathetic that she is controlling me even from hell. I don't know what to do. I need a counselor too but don't know who can help.
When I first met DH the
When I first met DH the relationship between himself and his ex was pretty bad. She was controlling and everything was her way or no way. I couldn't stand that he was at her beck and call and she blames me (rightfully so) for putting an end to it. She HATED me and this was before I even spoke to her. The first conversation I had with her was both of us screaming at each other over a stupid thing. My DH had the nerve to let me come when he dropped his son off at her house. She threatened to kick me out of the house (her name was still on the mortgage even though the courts gave it to DH). She was calling me names and I simply pointed out that she was real mature and a great mother for screaming such nasty stuff in front of her 6 year son. From that day 3 years ago to now she still hates me. I never talk to her, I will text her from my DH's phone about my SS but DH knows this and I always tell him what I am writing (mostly it consists of "hey what time will you drop SS off tomorrow" or "SS has a dentist appointment and I -meaning DH- will pick him up in the morning"). However DH will not make a decision without me. When EX calls and asks to get SS early or drop him off early or if she can have him for a few hours DH ALWAYS asks me first then tells EX. I can't say I mind that he sometimes goes home early I don't really care but I love that DH asks me first it makes me feel like I had some say in the decision. If I were you I wouldn't communicate with the BM. I wouldn't call her or text her. Let DH do the talking just make sure he doesn't give any anwsers without talking to you first, especially if it will affect you. I find it is easier to deal with her and not let her ruin my days but just not talking to her. I do communicate with her she just doesn't know it. So again my advice would be to let DH deal with her, he can get the information from her, discuss it with you and then you 2 can make a decision which he can relate back to her.
FM, Just repeat the Rags mantra.
"I am married to my spouse not the X. Pissing off the X (Blended Family Opposition) is a sport and I LOVE IT! I do what I believe to be in the best interest of the Kid(s)"
Truly, when you learn to love baring the XW's ass every chance she gives you, you will take control and she will loose it. Let her be the one to dread any interface with you. You are the one in control of how you react and in control of how you and your FH interface. If she was good for him you would not be in the picture so be confident in yourself and in the absolute knowledge that you are focused on the best interests of the Kid(s).
The key is to keep a big old shit eatin grin on your face every time you speak or interface with her. Let her wilt in your beaming happiness and righteous indignation of her toothless moron crap.
Remember above all else the SHE is part of his past. That is all she will ever have of your FH. You are his present and his future. Let her have his past and don't lament it.
I was married once prior to being married to my wife. My Wife is younger than I am and we often do things that I have done sometime prior to meeting my Wife. Experiencing things with my Wife is amazing even if it is something I have done before. The joy is in experiencing it with her. I don't let my XW have any more of me or my energy than she has already consumed. I am sure your FH has a similar perspective on the XW/BM.
Your own her ass, now act like it.
Just my thoughts of course.
Good luck and best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Rags is right, don't give
Rags is right, don't give this "B" that much POWER over you. You are giving her all the power she needs to keep walking all over you. Each time she does something to bother you she is testing you for how much she can harrash you and how much she can get away with.. Each time it is a test for the next. STOP her right now in her tracks. Once you stand up to her she will back off. Oh she will try from time to time again, but you will have to bust her butt again and again. As Rags said SMILE and laugh in her face everytime you have any contact with her. Don't let her upset you in anyway shape or form..... Think of her as being the low life she is. You have got to put yourself in another state of mind when dealing with the EX. And that is, don't give the EX the time of day and cut her off as soon as she opens her yap, talking sh-t. And then walk away. You have a right to be involve in these kids life.... this is called being a blended family. No matter what the EX says. What bothers her the most in all this is the fact that your FH wants you involve in his decisions making pertaining to the kids and their lives.. The Ex can't stand it ! That is why she is being a "B". So you laugh in her face and hold your head up high knowing you got your MANS support and backing.
Sorry to say......Honey, it is all a game. You got to learn how to play it well with the EX....
Yor are blessed to have a man supportive of your involvement.
Good Luck to you.
I have
I have taken Rags' advice, and it does work! Whenever there is a situation where I have to deal with BM, I repeat Rags' mantra to myself a few times right before seeing her. I don't know what it is about that little change in mindset, but something in my attitude seems to knock her off balance (well, I mean, even more) with the result that I seem to be more in control than she is now. YAY!!!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
X wife
So I read somwhere that even after a divorce an ex thinks she has the right to demand whatever she wants becuase the were married. The DH become in case of emergency break galss to the BM.
It was not until my DH and I started livng together that I realized BM called everyday and dinner and just screamed at DH for an hour at dinner time
for no reason. He would actualy put down the phone and walk away. After about a week of this I said I am nto tolerating that. It is not good for my kids to hera the truckers vocabulary at teh end of the line. He had said well I just have to deal with it to keep her off my back and not create problems with seeing my son.
Bear in mind he has court ordered visitation. So I said not in my house. So he quit ansering his cell. Then she started calling him at work and was such a disruption that he coudl not do his job. So he sent her an email and copied me on it that the communcation would only be restricted to e mail. So even though th ee mails were viscious he was able to not respond. DD is 16 years old now and we only communicate through him now. Bear in mind I have never met her and it has been 4 years now. Most of the pople that know her have told me I am better off not meeting her. We have her child support paid automatically so we do not have to deal wth her at all. Sometimes its the best way. we hope as he is heading to 18 the only time we will have to have communication is when he gets married.
Not dealing with the BM
It sounds like most of you don't deal with the BM. My fh, and I went this past Sat. to a counselor, and I can't tell you enough how good it was to let some of the major issues that I have with BM out. It was also good to hear my fh express how he felt, and his view of what we have had to deal with the BM.
We are going to start meeting with this counselor every 2 weeks, and I felt totally comfortable visiting with her, she asked us lots of questions and gave her view on situations that we have encountered, I was hoping to find someone like that.
I was really glad walking out my first visit that dealing with the BM by "certified mail" is the right thing for us to be doing at this point. She stated that X's don't like that due to the fact we are setting up "boundaries", and X's don't like communicating like this because it's "structure" for them, they don't like that. I like it this way due to the fact that we have everything documented if we need to go to court it will save our A**. Maybe some X's like this way but for my fh and I our X's don't LOL!
The Crap has hit the Fan
So I married the man of my dreams and he has a daughter which is 4 1/2. Since the second the X found out that I existed she raged on me. I didn't say a word to my husband nor her. I just pictured life in her shoes and I felt sorry for her. Now she talks about me to my husband and even to their daughter. Since the day she found out that we were getting married she withheld my husband from seeing their daughter. I mean he see's her barely as is but not visitation is non-existent. So now we are going to court and now she is on a mad rampage to destroy our lives by being a major Witch. I have met her a few times and she just ignores me. My mom raised a well mannered woman so I always say HI. That X just ignores me. I mean everything that comes out of my mother she twists it and turns it against who ever she can. One time my husband and I were picking up their daughter from the X and just because I called him and asked him to get me something in the store she throws it in my face why I have to call and asked if I was jealous. Let me tell you this X looks horrible every time I see her. Her hair is a mess she looks like she doesn't bath and she dare tell me if I were jealous. I mean I don't want to toot my own horn but everywhere I go people always complete me on how I look and ask if I modeled. The confutation ended with my X breaking us up.
Some of the stuff I can handle when she throws that CRAP but others just hurts me.
ooh well I guess it will take some time. It's not like my husbands X and I will ever be BFF's.
I pray every night that she finds a man and get's married so she would leave us alone and make someone else's life miserable.
Your notably better appearance and happiness has her by the
short and curlies. Keep it up and don't let her rudeness and turn the quality with which you were raised against you. Rude people are often seen as disturbing to those of who were raised right. I have learned to treat rude people with utter disdain and let them know in no uncertain terms that their rude,crass and petty behavior is just that...... rude, crass and petty. It is usually pretty easy to shake their already tenuous grasp on self confidence so learn to enjoy barring their asses every chance they give you to do it. Of course, be polite about it and just lead them down the path that you want them to go as far as publicly and very noticeable proving their idiot nature.
Keep an air of superiority and righteous indignation about her slovenly appearance and petty behavior and you will stay in control. Don't let her interject herself in to your relationship with your husband.
As I said earlier in this thread, if she was good for him you would not be in the picture. All she has of your DH is his past. You are his present and future. Be confident and let her dwell on the past and eat your dust as you and DH move on to a wonderful life together.
Live well. That is the best revenge and the best way to keep the XW/XH off balance and stay under their skin. If you invest in staying happy, they can't get under yours.
Good luck and best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
I think you need to change
I think you need to change the way you think, this woman is so bothered by you, she makes so much effort to f*** with your life, you must drive her absolutely crazy, you know you have already won, Im not saying she isn't a crazy bitch, she is bereft of pride or any class, you must never let her know that she has upset you again, that gives her power over you, what a sad pathetic life she must have, I feel kind of sorry for the silly woman, she has'nt done herself any favours has she? Whatever it takes you must regain some peace of mind, disengage, meditation, counselling whatever, once you find some coping strategies, she just won't bother you as much and how it will hurt her to she that she just dos'nt get to you anymore!![Wink](
I went to counselling for the
I went to counselling for the first time last week for my step problem. The focus started on my ss but it wasn't long before it got on to her.
She drives me bat shit crazy. She is everything I hate about a woman. She has never worked but chooses to continue having children, she cant be in a relationship for more than 3 months without getting pregnant. She is fake and spends all her time and money on her looks (and ends up looking a state). She is vicious, immature, manipulative, 2 faced and scheming. She used my fdhs details to order herself stuff after they split. It ruined his credit history and he is paying it off monthly. He argued this with her, she threatened to not let him see her son if he wanted her to pay. She is a bad mother, my ss is messed up emotionally and underdeveloped in all areas. At 1 year of age he drank paint stripper in her care. Who leaves that out unattended with a 1 year old? He gets burns that look like they are from hair straightners. He couldn't talk until he started pre-school at 3.5 years, he tells us mummy just puts him in his room and he watches tv. He needs speech therapy but she wont allow it as she finds it humiliating. Dinner is always frozen crap/ready meals. She left him home alone while she went to sleep with her neighbour (cheating on her current boyf). She insists shes a good mum. She thinks I should pay her money (deluded!). Thats the point I got involved. I text her and said im not paying for your child and dont mention my name. I dont get involved unless she mentions me. You have every right to get involved if she mentions you. And counselling should help you.
Forgot to add: I never lose
Forgot to add: I never lose my cool with her. I haven't sworn at her or called her names. I have text her that 1 time and remained dignified and mature. She carries on trying to be difficult but thats because I'm not reacting. She thinks I'm not bothered and she can't stand it.
I am superior to her in all aspects and she knows it.
Ha ha excellent, I really
Ha ha excellent, I really feel for you, the bm in my life is stirring the shit pot at the moment, I had to tell her off last week for calling me a lier, she acts like a spoiled child, so I treated her as such, it was sweet watching her back down and walk off with her head held low.
Glad you told her off! Must
Glad you told her off! Must have felt good. If bm went mad at me I would just laugh at her and maybe say 'oh dear'. Be very patronizing. She would lose the plot!
Thats the spirit however much
Thats the spirit however much they upset/anger you remain serene or sarcastic lol, you know if I had a child and I split up with the Father I would try to be not friends, but friendly with her, unless she was crazy, I really would, whats wrong with these women?
If there is anything you
If there is anything you should be learning from your situation it is:
Those kids are not yours and you should not be dealing with BM. All of your drama will go away if you disengage and your FH steps up to the plate to deal with his own sh*t. All of that is his problem, not yours. Let HIM take care of it whilst you take a supportive role.
Good advice, I also truly
Good advice, I also truly believe that when in a situation that you cannot change, instead of getting upset or holding it all in, you can learn to rise above it, just to cease letting it effect you, now I know its not easy, but I've been able to do this a few times, I think I would have gone crazy without it.
I agree. And frankly, I'm
I agree. And frankly, I'm shocked that this response showed up so far down the page ..