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Sooooo agitated right now!!!!

Eyes Wide Open's picture last night my grown daughter calls and asks me if I can switch vehicles with her husband so that I can drop it off at the mechanic this morning for a repair. No problem! I work right next to the mechanic, so it's no hassle for me. She DIDN'T ask me to pay for it (pays her own bills and would never ask for a dime!) or anything, just to please drop it off and then drive it home at the end of the day. I drive past their house on the way home, so, again, this is no problem for me at all. I don't have to go out of my way or pay for anything.

DH looks at me last night and says, "Why can't they drop off their own vehicle?" WTF??????!!!!! I just looked at him and told him that it makes sense for me to do it because I'm right here anyway, it won't take one extra second of my time and I'm not paying for anything. DH got all bent out of shape because I was doing this for my adult daughter and her husband!

He kept pushing the issue (I think because I've disengaged from his adult kids and I don't do diddly for them anymore!) and I finally said, "Listen, Dude, they have to WORK---a concept completely unfamiliar to your children. They work on the other side of town. The car needs to be right next to my work. It makes sense for me to do this, not to mention they NEVER ask for anything and I don't mind doing it." He was a total ass the rest of the night.

Aughghghgh!!!! Sometimes he sooooo pisses me off! I mean, even when I was still dealing with his adult kids, I probably wouldn't have done this for them, so I just don't see where he's coming from. His kids have two living parents, plus the taxpayers, to help them out. My child has one surviving parent (me) and they work for everything they have. We have no other family within 3 states of here. I would do this for my neighbors, their kids, and most of my friends without giving it a second thought.

Why, oh why, can men be such idiots?????!!!!!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

I actually think he's jealous of our relationship. DH is not close with his kids...he THINKS he is....but that's only if THEY want something from him.

stepgin's picture

I know what you mean... My DD30 is having back surgery next week and my DH seemed annoyed that I was taking a few sick days to take her to the hospital, care for her, etc. Are you kidding me???? She has no one close by except me and she has only been loving and respectful toward him. I don't get it either. Of course, it's not like she pushing out another future gang banger like his daughter! Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Exactly! While HIS daughter didn't get him anything for his birthday, mine made him cheesecake and got him a nice, thoughtful gift. (and, yes, his daughter is busy procreating our pathetic future) It's like he knows he's screwed up his kids, and can't stand those of use with normal, useful kids.

Notyourgrandma's picture

I'm really,really glad I found this forum. You are so right and your DH is sooooo wrong. My DH's grown sons(in their late 30s) are always looking for handouts and loans.When I use my personal money(saved before we got married)to help my BD with college tuition what her loans don't cover)he gets an attitude. I tell him that if s.nt his deadbeat sons to college maybe they might have better jobs and stop asking us for $. He even has a fit when she comes home for vacation(she's only 19)while he even offered to let the oldest son move in so he could save some $ to buy a house.I didn't let that happen.
When we got married (eloped)and got home he told his sons. One was OK with it saying he figured since we had been together for 5yrs e probably would be getting married.The other (I ref to him as Mr bigshot without a pot to piss in)wow you should have seen the color drain from his face...OMG wish I'd taken a worth a thousand words...
But sorry I'm running my mouth off...I agree with you 110%. I do think you DH is a bit jealous of the great rapport you have going with your kids.