something that SS8 did that made me very happy
Since I am always posting about how i have issues with ss8, I thought i'd post something about how he made me feel very happy yesterday.
I have been the mother to a cat named simba for 16 yrs. he was my lifetime lovemuffin kitty. King cat, king of the castle, etc. You get the picture. he had jaw cancer (diagnosed in october) and was told he'd only have a few months to live. he'd been doing great up until last weekend when I noticed a lot more swelling in his face and i pryed open his mouth to see all the cancer had spread down his throat and into the other side of his mouth. i watched him eat canned catfood and he could barely even get any of that down. he'd become skin and bones. I knew it was time
I told ss8 and my 2 biokids ages 9 and 6 on Wed eve that I was going to be taking Simba to the vet so he could 'go to sleep' and go to Jesus in heaven. i explained he was too sick to be with us anymore, and jesus would take care of him forever, and he wouldn't be coming home. Both of my biokids were just kind of like "oh, ok, that sucks" and left the conversation. ss8 was the only one who sat with me and told me how sad he was that simba was going to be gone and that he loved simba and he was really going to miss him. So, I sat and told ss8 all kinds of stories about simba from when he was a kitten through his 16 yrs of life. He sat with me enthralled with the stories and asked lots of questions. It was a nice time between the 2 of us, and I was thankful to have him there to be interested in my freaky cat lady stories
Simba passed yesterday morning and we are all handling it as best as we can.
dledden, I am sorry about
dledden, I am sorry about Simba. I have one of "those" cats. See my user name? Pedro is my cat. He is 13. Peace to you and yours.
As much as he annoys me at
As much as he annoys me at times, he has a truly pure, kind heart.
i am very happy to hear this
i am very happy to hear this kind of post (although i am deeply sorry you lost your furbaby
pets really are family).
i agree with echo that this moment will be implanted in your memory---and possibly be the start of a bonding experience. i think that was so sweet of him to show that kind of emotion.
each time he begins to annoy u, try to remember that moment u had with him. it may help u to step back for a second and not get so angry.
again i am so sorry to hear about your cat.
Aww. sniff, sniff
Aww. sniff, sniff