Yesterday was just the same shit....I am trying really, I mean really hard to disengage from this kid.
Yesterday it was just a bold face stupid lie. I spoke to DH, he was out of town, right away he started with the excuses and defence. I had with him and his bullshit about that asshole kid of his. DH said if I talk to him, he'll say something different and since I wasn't there I won't know who the believe.....SO I'M LYING about YOUR little bastard? It was just the same shit we had our only fight about...the little bastard and DH's bullshit. So he was pissing me off too.
I picked up the kid...according the the kid it was a half day the school decided the day before. I let the kid sit there until ATFER the time I normally pick him up...I had to get my frigging mani and pedi done. Seriously. I asked the kid 3 times if he wanted to take back what he said. 3 times I got NO. I asked him 3 times if he knew I called the school will he take it back...I got NO 3 times. I told the kid the its bullshit..he was sticking to his story....then I said I how did you tell DH on Monday....he said DH is lying. I was like do you really think I'm that fucking stupid?
Then I even more pissed that I gave him a chance to come clean...but she stuck to his lies.
DH drove him to school this morning. The kid told DH...he knew he was lying but couldn't help it or stop it.....he just kept on lying. THEN HE TOLD DH HE LIED ABOUT TAKING THE PSAT'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last week when we were out to dinner he was taking about what wasd on the tests....blah, blah, blah. It was all BULLSHIT. I called the school this morning, they confirmed he paid but did not attend. DH is just happy he came clean. DH said....we are just going to have to learn to deal with his lying least he admits it. FUCK THAT.
Seriously, I am GOING to get me one on those damn cards.....I gave that shit up years ago.....but I can't deal with this kid. Dh is totally pissing me off...last week he was talking medical school..,,.,but the kid's doctors are talking group home....I wish they would just put him one of those damn homes already or go to his POS BM's.
Crayon....since the elephant
Crayon....since the elephant episode until yesterday I have been totally disengaged. But the bastard pushed my buttons. How F'ing stupid does the kid think I am? I have heard the shit that it up to ME to know the kid's school schedule. FUCK THAT. The kid is in 11th grade....he is old enough to own it.
I just told DH HE HAS TO ENGAGE WITH THIS KID.....I can't....I refuse to......the little fucker is making me eat Xanax.
I am addressing that stupid fucking school tonight with DH. The f'ing kid control our lives...not is a healthy people that are active with their kids in sports, dancing and shit like that .....this kid just controls our lifes....sorry if that itsn't the correct spelling...I'm just so pissed right now. On a good day I have a really difficult time with this is NOT a good day.
I'm gonna go work out maybe I'll calm down.