Skids have asthma .. BM smokes
We have suspicions that BM smokes inside her home, including when the girls are there. The skids have asthma, one of them pretty badly. They will taking a roadtrip to TX with their grandma in August, who also smokes like chimney, and will likely be smoking in the car with them.
Is there anything that can be done about this? I know it's her house and we can't tell her what to do in her home, but if it's a real health issue, is there something we can do?
That's an interesting point,
That's an interesting point, but what could we really do? Call the state troopers in every state on the route and tell them to be on the look out for an old woman smoking in a car with 2 kids?
I think our hands are pretty tied here, but it just sucks knowing it's the kids that suffer (once again). *sigh*