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skid badmouths me and mil supports

SugarSpice's picture

one of the skids adult badmouthed me. told med to go to h@ll. when i called mil to talk about it, as i was near tears, she told me not to call he anymore and not to bother her.

well mil is elderly and broke her leg. elderly fil and mil have saved nothing for old age and are constantly begging for money. when fil was working they would take expensive vacations every year which costs several thousands of dollars. now the are in poverty.

mil might be moving in with us while she is recovering but she is thin and frail and in a wheel chair. i run a home business and it looks like i will be expected to care for her (bath her, cook for her, feed her). i am still very angry at this mil for refusing to be my solace when skid swore at me. fil might be coming but he is too self absorbed to help his own wife and just wants to watch cable sports.

i could scream.

notasm3's picture

Nope - I would not be taking care of any asshole - no matter how old and frail. Medicare will pay for a nursing home.

I took care of an elderly father for more than a decade - took early retirement to move in with him. So I am not heartless. But I also do not extend myself for assholes.

notarelative's picture

Unless she has used her Medicare allotment of nursing home days, she should be able to go to a nursing home. If they have low income they need to apply for Medicaid. If she ends up at home she should be able to get visiting nurse and home health aide services to help with personal care and cleaning. There are meal services available for the homebound.

Unless your home is wheel chair accessible it is not a viable place for her.

Working at home is working. You cannot work at home and care for someone at home simultaneously. One, either working or care, gets shorted.

There are people who can help you figure things out. If she's still in the hospital try talking to the hospital social worker. You can tell the hospital that they cannot release her to your care.
If she's in her home the local senior center may have a social worker on staff who can guide you through the maze to find services for her.

Rags's picture

Nothing a backhand to snarky Skid lips won't fix when they lip off at you. As for the destitute asshole MIL, looks like she won't be moving in with you during her recovery. Ship her toxic ass off to some other family member.

furkidsforme's picture

I think you should do a little self reflection.

#1- Is it possible that maybe MIL was so overwhelmed with her own troubles that she was simply saying to not dump your SM/SD drama on her?
#2- Is it possible that maybe (just maybe) you DID play into the SD drama and/or did something that is actually legitimately objectionable?
#3- Is it possible that maybe she likes you both and just doesn't want to get caught up in the choosing of sides?

So figure that part out. Rarely is a situation 100% one sided.

It may make no impact on your ability to offer her care. Caring for an aged family member at home is beyond full time care. No way should it be placed on your shoulders alone.

hereiam's picture

So, MIL cannot be bothered to even talk to you about your woes but you are expected to let her move in with you so you can take care of her? No.

She can stay home and FIL can get off of his ass and take care of her. Is he able, just not willing? Or she can go to a rehab center or something other than move in with you.