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a simple thank you? No way, not skid's responsibility

forever2's picture

Last night sucked worse than the typical night with skid11, which always sucks, but this leads the list. Sometimes events transpire with bf that just make it perfectly clear how messed up and delusional his relationship with skid is and how far we are from ever being on the same page. I really don't give a --- what happens to skid and if his parents want to raise an ingrateful, self absorbed entitled little monster, okay for long as he is gone from my house when he is 18, I don't care if he ends up on wall street or in prison, although his parents are pushing hard for the later. He isn't yet a lost cause, but with parents like that...pretty much.
Christmas is very hard for me because bf spends all his money and kills himself to buy things for skid, and skid really couldn't care less. He already has everything and all he has to do to get the latest and greatest overpriced toy is ask, or more like tell his dad to get it, holiday or not. He doesn't even have a Christmas list, because everyday is Christmas for that kid. Anyway, bf even decided he and I won't be exchanging gifts this year. He doesn't have time to shop???...hmmmm maybe because he spends so much time shopping for the brat? At least I appreciate what people give me and the thought that goes into it.
Soooo, getting to my story, last night skid's grandfather sends a nice xmas card to skid with a note that money was being transfered into his account, and a p.s note asking skid if he got the last gift he sent (a nice gift, from out of the blue, just because, shipped across the country)and then grandpa says (go grandpa, you totally rock) that it would have been nice if skid had acknowledged the gift and that thank you's are very important and that if he wanted to learn some social skills, he should ask his dad to help him understand the meaning of a thank you. I loved it! I have been saying this for years, but of course I am a selfish bitch who's opinions don't matter. No one ever tries to make that kid a good person. For skid, that little note was the meanest thing everyone ever said to him. Of course skid shrugs his shoulder at the note and goes upstairs to play video games without a hint of remorse. I tell bf how great I think grandpa is and how right grandpa is, and bf's response? He actually says the grandpa shouldn't have sent the note! He actually blames himself for his kid, almost 12, for not bothering to say thank you to those who are kind and generous to him. BFs fault? Why is that? By the time your kid is 12, isn't he responsible for how he treats other people? Obviously not. Grandfather is the bad guy and he himself is the bad guy and I am always the bad guy, but skid is perfect and immune from all responsibility. Nice life huh? He actually said that skid cannot be expected to know social skills like a simple thank you because he comes from a family of divorce?? Oh wow, so half of humanity has no responsibility for their actions because their parents are divorced? Add in the kids who grew up poor, and abused, and neglected and oh, I fear for us all. We all have an excuse why it is our parent's fault and we aren't responsible for our own actions. I just wanted to vomit. Bf's solution for MY so called criticism of his kid was to eat dinner with the kid, not even tell me dinner was ready and ignore me all night while doting on the little brat. Typical. As I say, if he wants to create a monster, fine, but I had once hoped to have children with this man. I now think it is better not to be born than have a parent who thinks guidance toward being a good human being is some form of abuse. It would be a constant battle trying to raise good people with this man and his teenage thankless creation in my home. I am thinking a single mother with common sense and genuine concern for making her child the best person he or she can be is a far better alternative. Why fight this stupidity?

forever2's picture

I just put 2 and 2 together and remembered something funny to augment my post. BF was pissed off that his kid got him neither a birthday card or a father's day card! If you read my initial post...ha ha ha ha ha. Here's the best part. He blamed in on BM! Now as much as I despise BM and am thrilled to blame anything on her, not this time. The brat is 12, and if he didn't get bf so much as a card after he sacrifices his entire life for him, that's his choice and his fault. And bf always make excuses for him...its bfs fault and my fault and now BMs fault. And to put down grandpa for suggesting the kid learns to say "thank you." Ha BF, when its you getting the disrespect, it stings doesn't it?...of course still not the fault of the little angel. It never will be. This is a dad who will definitely be calling the college professors in 6 years complaining that skid can't possibly be given a B because he comes from a divorced family and therefore must have straight A's handed to him. And you are correct Crayon, all that bf will end up with is a kid who hates him...Why? because ultimatly kids need parents, not best buddies, and when they end up with awful lives because of overindulgent parents, they resent that and hate them for it. It will all blow up in BFs face I have no doubt. I just hope skid hates him from 1000 miles away, and not from the couch where he is likely to park his fat lazy ass for the rest of infinity.

Ssamantha's picture

I'd buy that kid a book on etiquette and that would be the only present he would get from me.

As a matter of fact, let me order two for my own skids!!! They are in dire need!

TheBrightSide's picture

Two things.

A child of divorce shouldn't be "pitied". Divorce is not a "condition", its a reality. One many, many people face. To treat this child like he's "special" is just creating a monster.

Also, I firmly believe that kids, by nature, are ungrateful. That being said, there is no other way to teach children to be kind, gracious and thankful but by example. To show them the way.

My SD10 gets gifts from my mother and my sisters. She really doesn't know them. They send her things out of kindness for me. When this happens, I have her pick up the phone to call them to say "thankyou" or write them a thank you note. My DH is completely on board.

As well, when she receives gifts from DH's family, she says thank you. She says thankyou after every meal (i love this). It would be even better if she helped clean up without being prompted, but I digress.

I'm sure you could find an article on this topic somewhere on the internet, print it out and have DH read it. Good luck to you.