SD11 Attention Seeking Drives Me Nuts
SD11 is constantly doing things to get attention from her dad. Today, for instance, we went to a birthday party. All the kids were playing on a water slide. She was the biggest kid there yet here she comes..."Daaaddyyy...there is a boy picking on meeee. " Mind you she is at least a head taller than any of the boys on the slide but of course Daddy says tell him to come here. So she goes screaming across the yard, "My daddy says to come over there!" Pretty sure it embarrassed dh and of course the kid didn't come.
Then the next thing you know she's crying like a toddler cause her foot got stepped on.
When we got home we get a call from dh's friend telling him to watch a Facebook video posted by another friend if he wanted to know who was the bully in the pool. The video clearly shows dh11 kicking our friend's 7 year old daughter in order to get ahead of her on the slide. So glad dh saw that and I didn't have to say a thing.
The video was actually of
The video was actually of another adult friend going down the slide. SD11 and our friend's daughter just happened to be in the background of the video and her bullying inadvertently taped.
Not sure what he will do.
Not sure what he will do. Probably wont see her til next weekend but I hope he does something. That is ridiculous.
YOUR DH? Not some temporary
:jawdrop: YOUR DH? Not some temporary DH you keep for special occasions? When did he realise his son is not 'all that'?
Have this problem all the
Have this problem all the time! I have found it best to stay out of it - dad will see it at some point and make it a point to take the time with Dad when step kids are around. You and him need that time each night to connect - kids in bed at 9 and take that hour for yourself with your husband. I have found if I dont get upset and if I focus my attention on something else and I dont ler her see its bothering me - that it stops! Wish ya luck!
Tonight she called and wants
Tonight she called and wants to come back to our house tomorrow morning...sigh. DH is supposed to pick her up in the morning. I guess we'll see if he addresses this video or not. I would love to come up with a subtle way of reminding him of it.
guys don't know subtle
guys don't know subtle
LOL. I LOVE that she was
LOL. I LOVE that she was caught on tape and that your friend pointed her out to DH.
He didn't do a thing. Not a
He didn't do a thing. Not a damn thing. I am so disappointed in him. I guess he doesn't care what Princess does as long as she's not the one being hurt.
sounds like my H. He says
sounds like my H. He says SD11 doesn't lie. Not even to save her ass. Little b lies non-stop! Yeah, and SD treats people like shit!
I'm surprised DH didn't drive
I'm surprised DH didn't drive to the post office and let the little brat wiggle the door to make sure the place was closed. That's just like a SD...I want a raincoat...I had a month to get one...but since I didn't, and since the world revolves around me these shops will magically be open for me on Sunday because I am entitled to a raincoat despite the fact that my lazy ass waited until the last possible moment...
I am curious about why you decided to go with SD and DH on this scavenger hunt for a raincoat. When shit like that happens with my SD, I just sit back laughing at DH on the inside because he has to drive the stinking brat around, listen to her talk non-stop, NOT find what she needs, and them deal with her pouty ass on the way home. If DH were on top of things, he would have known what she needed and had it before the last minute.
That's familiar, DH wanting
That's familiar, DH wanting examples of the backchatting. Sometimes I wonder if they have some kind of God-given special ability of tuning out the voices of their children. And forgetting about any and every incident that needs disciplining.
Oh, I have an attention story
Oh, I have an attention story that just really makes me doubt BM and DH's intelligence..MY SD went on Concerta 3 years ago for ADD. So, when SD learns that BD has to take a pill every morning, SD suddenly breaks out into allergic coughing-only when DH is around.
DH said something to me about SD's coughing and I said, "yeah, I think she's allergic to you because she only goes into a coughing fit when you are close to her". Went right over his head. So by the time lil b comes back to our house, she is taking otc allergy medicine every day. And that must be some good shit, because it cured her coughing 100%.
When we ran out of the otc medicine, SD is just fine without it.
My BD had to get braces when she was 9 b/c her teeth were a train wreck(but as it turns out, early intervention saved us about $2k and BD only had her braces and palate expanders on for a year). SD has perfectly straight teeth, yellow and gross from not brushing, but perfectly straight. She went on and on and on and on about wanting braces and was even pushing her top front teeth with her tongue. She didn't get braces.
When SD was in daycare, a heavy kid stepped on her foot and she limped and she moaned and she groaned and she couldn't sleep and she needed an ice pack and she couldn't participate in P.E. and she was DYING. So $400 later, there's not a damn thing wrong with her foot.
A tiny part of me actually feels bad that the kid is so emotionally neglected she has to invent things to get attention for.