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SD Expected DH to Get Angry at BM's BF After They Got Into Huge Fight...Yeah Right

NewBeginning's picture

I looked on my SS's facebook and saw a post where his mother's boyfriend had asked him why he was talking trash...

So I went to the BF's page and my SS had literally threatened to beat the BF's ass...told him to stay away from his sister and mother for good.

Now........sorry.......but the BF is actually a GREAT guy. He just happens to be dating/living with/having sex with the BM. From what I have seen out of him and the times I've talked to him...he's a great guy. He is so good to my SKs.

As for the BM...she has cheated on him NUMEROUS times. He has caught her in lie upon lie..she has been on online chat sites...and he even called my DH up about a year ago asking for help because she just wouldn't stop cheating. DH told him to RUN...and run fast. BF said he was done and supposedly left her.

He was back shortly...fool.

The SKs have told me how possessive and jealous this man 'supposedly' is..notice the 'supposedly'.

She has done so many things to this man..I can see where he really would have issues with her cheating...but yet he stays with her...amazing.

She is disgusting..purely disgusting. Does not work, collects disability on a fake injury, sells and grows drugs...she is nothing to worry about keeping in your life. Who would want that shit?

From what I understand, BF 'wigged' out on the BM - what the SKs say. Each time he has 'wigged' out - she has been either caught cheating, stealing, lying, sneaking around....SOMETHING. Every last time. Then she tells her kids that HE was doing to which her kids jump to her defense and this man has been threatened a few times such as what I saw on Facebook.

SD called DH and tried to tell him that the BF talked horrible to her and actually threatened her - DH blew it off and pretty much ignored what she was saying.

She was livid......what Ms. Academy Award winning actress was trying to do was get her dad angry at this man for her mother's sake..

Sorry sister....:) My DH has been there, done that. And has the T shirt. DH has no sympathy for his ex and KNOWS how she is. He has more sympathy for the BF than his ex.

SD actually got mad because DH wouldn't somehow get angry at BF. Too bad, eh?

What in the hell is wrong with these kids? Did SD expect my DH to jump to the defense of BM? Well a matter of fact she did. You can tell SS wasn't happy with it either. He wanted his father to jump in and say something.

But DH did not. And thank God he didn't. I don't think I'd be very happy with my husband if I felt he had to protect this woman from anything...and I better never find out he tries it either. But I really don't think that's gonna happen.

SD and BM....what a team. A team of fools.

NewBeginning's picture

Oh Maux....this ain't my first rodeo on!

SD has tried to get DH angry before so he would jump to her mother's defense. Each time he's ignored it. So I have to give him credit for quite a bit. He just doesn't fall for it. I pray that never changes for the fact he has kids with this lunatic and that someday he feels sorry for her for whatever reason.

His daughter can SURE make a case..let me tell ya. She can make you feel her mother is sooooooooo misunderstood...and just how horrible my DH treated her...and how awful he was to her...she could give a blind mute lessons in acting...she's THAT good.