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School Uniform

milknosugar's picture

Yesterday DH and BM went to the uniform shop to get a school uniform for both houses for SS12. They only decided to get one pair of shorts and 3 shirts.

I suggested today that we get more. My BS is 16 and has had 3 years at the same school. I told DH I think it is important for SS12 to have a new shirt every day. Hygiene is important for boys that age. After 3 years, my son has had good wear out of the 5 I got him and having a second pair of shorts was not overkill when they wear them every day.

I was just told (after tentatively raising it for the first time today) that I am "going on" about it. I feel like I have been told to mind my own business.

Not my kid. Not my problem. Right?

They can do the washing then.

Except I know I will be doing the washing and sending him off to school in dirty clothes because he doesn't have enough. I feel like I have no say. I just shut up and do the work. I feel like I have to keep my nose out of their business. After all, who do I think I am? I don't get to make such decisions about my home. Im not the real wife. Just the maid.


MamaBecky's picture

Make your DH wash SS's laundry every 3 days. When he complains tell him he has no choice since he only felt his son needed 3 shirts. If he refuses to do it stop doing your DH's laundry. After he has to wear a couple of dirty shirts to work maybe he will be more empathetic for his son. Your SS does deserve to wear a clean shirt and shorts to school every day. 5 shirts and 5 pairs of shorts one set for each day of the school week all washed on the weekends is not asking to much.

milknosugar's picture

My oldest child is 21. Their oldest is 12. I have experience with this school and having a boy that age. But I am ignored and made to feel stupid. OK that BM would ignore me but it hurts when DH makes me feel like a fusspot with no brain. I have been a parent for nearly twice as long as either of them. I have more experience and an opinion which is not nothing. I deserve a voice. I hate being treated like a stupid outsider.

This gives me a message.


Let him go to school dirty and smelly. What do I care right? But I do!!!

Milomom's picture

Naturalmom posted the exact same question that popped into my head immediately when I read the beginning of this blog.

Not sure there is literally ANY excuse for this one...

MamaBecky's picture

I totally understand and agree with you 100%. He should be greatful that he has you there to help him and even more important that you are willing to help him and actually care about his kid. Shame on your DH! I'm serious....send your DH to work in some dirty clothes and maybe he will see the light.

milknosugar's picture

He would never!! He does his own shirts in a separate wash. I am not good enough to do that job. Ihave offered. He irons them himself every week and each morning he puts on a perfectly clean and ironed shirt, all according to his high standards for himself.

I can't stand to think what those shirts and shorts will be like after a week of wear. They will be able to walk to the washing machine themselves!!


milknosugar's picture

He says he went there so they could go halves in the cost and so he wouldn't have to go back later and get more using his own money. Also so he had it here at our house.. But he just said to me he might get more later.....?????

You make a good point. He could have said what he wanted and paid her back online. He didn't come home with any uniform anyway. She is dropping it off tomorrow at changeover.

I just told him how I felt. He says this is what he wants (nothing to do with her) and asked me why I couldn't accept it.

I said I don't think I can look after SS12 any more. I am not able to look after him my way so how can I? I can't look after him the way someone else wants me to. How do I look after a child under instruction from his parents? That's a nanny job right? I don't want to be a nanny. Never did.

milknosugar's picture

OK. Now I am confused. He says I am saying he is a bad father and we have to do it my way. He says I am angry because I am not getting what I want. He says I am making a huge deal out of nothing and he has every right to decide how many shirts to buy. He says he would never tell me how many to buy my son.

There is a big difference here. He doesn't care for my children. He is less nurturing (of course). I think it is easier for a man to detach about this sort of thing.

Mostly I look after skids respecting his wishes. I feel he has no respect for mine. It makes me want to detach which is sad I think. I want to be in all the way but I don't know when to care and when not to care. So I end up trying not to care. I end up thinking, "whatever - not my problem". I just have to witness it and say nothing. I will never have a final say or make a decision. There will always be the "real" parent judging me.

So what about when they are alone with me (every day). Do I call their father every time they ask me for something?

This is the hardest thing to be a SM. I really had no idea.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

He does have a right to decide how many shirts to buy. And you have a right to voice an opinion because you are the one that has to make sure the boy has clean clothes to go to school in and you are the one that has to do his laundry.

Both of the other adults in this home wear uniforms to work. One wears scrubs and one wears shirts that have to be ironed and pants that have to be ironed. I don't always know when I will have time to do laundry or iron other than the weekend so I insist that they have enough to get through their workweek without any laundry service in between.

I remember having to wear uniforms to Labratory School. I'm glad my stepmom was in charge of those uniforms. My father was clueless whereas my SM had grown up in that community and was familiar enough with the school to know what I would need to not be considered a leper.

milknosugar's picture

I can understand "putting his foot down" if I was suggesting something harmful or bad for his children.

I feel like we are going to break up over a couple of $20 shirts and everything it represents.

If he made a caring suggestion about my children that showed he cared about them, I can't imagine shooting him down.

I want to be allowed to care about his kids. All the way. I want the best for them.

How come I feel like leaving over this?

milknosugar's picture

Thanks Finey. That's a good way of putting it. I can't imagine anything I say working now. He has set this in concrete now and anything I say would just be seen as trying to get him to change his mind. It would make him angrier than he is now.

I just remembered a conversation we had about CS. He had the choice to get it dropped. We are really struggling to make ends meet after I lost my job and she is living in luxury. He told me he didn't want to do a review because he didn't want to look tight about his children. I can't equate all this. It doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't he be ok with 3 more shirts then? Im not asking for anything for myself.

I hate to say it but I don't think he loves me. I think he still loves his ex wife. I have been trying to be part of his life since I met him but both he and his ex make me feel like an outsider. They were separated but still emotionally entwined when I met him (didn't show up til after we married) and Im not sure this is about shirts and uniforms any more.

bruisedpeach's picture

ask him a simple question

If he had to choose to save one of you from harm, drowning, death etc; which one would he save?
If he says BM get the eff outta there.

My SO interacts with the BM only to make life easier for the kids and logistics etc; but he wouldnt piss on her if she was on fire. And he sure as fook respects my opinion on parenting a million times more than hers and I dont even have any bios of my own.

Milomom's picture

Hey milknosugar! I'm sorry you're going through this dilemma - geesh, the crap we steps endure.

I don't know the background of your whole situation - I'll have to go back on your previous posts in order to give you some good advice.

However, you seem to be a very caring, nice and patient woman who seems to be simply concerned for her stepson and, being that you have experience with this exact situation with your own bios, are just trying to make suggestions that will make the "ship run more smoothly". That's all, nothing more. Your DH is definitely saying some pretty dumb things - accusing you of implying that he's a bad parent? that you just want things to be "your way"? Wow, defensive much??

What you just said above (in your response to Finey) - the last line REALLY speaks volumes about the "big picture" here. When you said this, my heart dropped for you - and I bet other stepmoms' hearts also collectively dropped for you:

"I hate to say it but I don't think he loves me. I think he still loves his ex wife......They were separated but still emotionally entwined when I met him (didn't show up til after we married) and I'm not sure this is about shirts and uniforms anymore."

This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG that DH's actions and words are making you feel this way in your marriage!! It is your DH's responsibility to treat you with the utmost respect and he is supposed to make you feel like YOU ARE HIS WIFE, THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN HIS LIFE, that you are a team, that he supports and respects you AND your opinions. You do not deserve to be treated "second-best" or "below in status" to his kids OR ESPECIALLY TO HIS EXW!!!!! GRRRRR!!! This makes me so angry for you, milknosugar. Just reading what you posted here, about how he makes you feel, really boiled my blood.

Milknosugar, I think you seriously need to have a talk with your DH about this. He needs to be told by you, in no uncertain terms, that you will NOT be treated this way and that you will not put up with this crap!! You have no other intentions than trying to be a good wife, a team player and a caring person to help take care of skids' needs. He should ASSUME the best of your intentions, not snap at you like a moron when you make suggestions and tell him the legitimate reasons why. Sounds to me like he's taking you for granted. Don't allow it.

The famous Milomom mantra applies here: "You will only be treated the way you ALLOW YOURSELF to be treated."

I hope this helps you. Keep us posted as to any progress. You are certainly NOT alone - we are all here for you.


Milomom's picture

OK, and another thing I just thought of...

How in the world is your SS12 going to be able to go to school 5 days/week with only 1 pair of shorts and 3 shirts to "split" between houses???? :? :? :?

Is this in addition to the school uniforms that he already has?

And WHY OH WHY does your DH have to split the cost of the school clothes with BM when she's receiving monthly child support from him? I could be mixing you up with someone else, but doesn't she get $1,200/month from him for CS???? Is this something he specifically agreed to in his Divorce Decree? That he has to split the cost of clothing for skids IN ADDITION TO the monthly CS??? This all sounds very strange to me...

Now I'm REALLY confused.... :? :? :? I don't know, I smell a "Guilty Daddy" who is simply choosing to be "Doormat status" to his exW/BM and her demands/needs, all "for the sake of the kids" (TM).

milknosugar's picture

Hi MiloMum

Thanks for your comments and support.

Here is what I think - he has a huge need for me to just accept his decisions. He also knows this is probably not about the uniforms. He is adamant that he just wants his wishes respected. I think BM took away his manhood like that if you know what I mean.

Just a couple of days ago, it was changeover day. They come to us at midday. Except they didn't - BM had arranged an outing for them so they got here at 4pm instead (on DH's time!!???!!!). It was his day off. It annoyed me but you know- he really doesn't care. He doesn't treasure his time with his kids like I do. I think men and women are different like that. I enjoyed the extra time without them tbh. Why do I care if she is still calling the shots. It's his problem right? If he is ok with it, why do I care?

I have decided it's absoultely none of my business.

Yes - that's the total uniform. I have no idea how he is going to be able to go to school with clean clothes on. That is their decision. Their son. I feel sorry for him and it if was my child I wouldn't stand for it. Not for a minute. But he isn't my son. I married his father. That's it. If I get along ok with SS then that's good. End of story.

Yes we pay that much CS and no there is no need for him to pay more (for other child costs). He sees the CS and righting the difference in their income and then they go halves after that. Again, this is his business. Does that impact on our family? Absolutely. Can I get him to change his mind? Absolutely not. I have tried. I have begged and pleaded for him to put this household first. He has refused and given his deep need to be accepted and his decisions to be final, I doubt that will ever change. What power do I have? None. I can't make that decision for him.

I have decided to get on with my life. I have a new business to set up. Hard when I am the babysitter and DH insists I take them on an outing every day. I want my business to be profitable so it can support me and I own it 100%. They can't touch it. I lost a high paying job last year and I have to start again. I am financially vulnerable and I hate that. This is what I can control.

We are living beyond our means by about $2-3k a month. I keep the CS my Ex pays me in a separate account so there is enough to cover my own children's expenses. I don't want to have to explain what I spend on my children to DH. This is the result of his refusal to stand up to BM. I don't want my income going straight out to her.

This is all pretty sad. Yes I think he is a guilty Dad and still has baggage. I think he is damaged and annoying and stubborn but I think he does love me. Who isn't damaged? Right? I am not sure I can live with that damage much longer. We have had counselling but I am tired of trying to get him to understand.

The saddest part is the message I get. It's loud and clear. He doesn't respect me like he does her. That makes me insecure. I have to dig deep here for my inner strength. I will probably leave one day. Our love isn't enough to survive this - and it's not like I never warned him. I wish it was different and he could see what he is doing. I can't make him see it my way. Thanks for the hug.

milknosugar's picture

I sort of wish I could show him this page but I am too afraid. Sometimes I don't want to rock the boat too much or dig too deep in case what I find hurts to much. I will do that when I am ready and I can take care of myself.

MamaBecky's picture

Since he sounds very controlling and although I am reading into kind of sounds like he could get violent so I urge you not to show him. He would probably forbid you from discussing his private affairs in a public setting and exspect you to do as he commands. (I want to throw up just typing that) He might even forbid you from using the internet...who knows! It sounds like he has a god complex. Anyway since I would like to continue reading your posts and I am invested now in what happens to you, please dont tell him about this site. Good luck and take care of yourself.

sixteensmom's picture

Aww Milknosugar - you are a sweetheart. So sorry this happened. I think you should just let the boy go to school and get stinky by the end of the week. Since you're the only one who cares, he'll come to you and you can just tell him to ask his mom to get him more shirts. If mom thinks dad only wants him to have 3, she may go get 3 more to spite him. Then you and SS win.

milknosugar's picture

Hmmm. There is some truth in this I think. He has a strong pattern of bringing me to despair and then finally admitting his faults, only to do the same thing a month later. Then he does the"Im no good - you deserve better" thing which makes me feel sorry for him.

When we argue, I find myself always on guard for his nasty put downs. I am not saint but I tend to try to keep it to my needs and feelings. He gets nasty very quickly and makes me feel stupid. The "stop going on about it" thing can be after a 2 minute conversation. There is also one thing he does which is what I call the diversion tactic. Bad timing, making a mountain out of a molehill, raising my main defect (I am alcoholic - my programme has kept me sober for the past 4 years). etc. Sometimes he uses this to make me basically unreliable, undeserving and incompetent.

He is "taking" me on holiday in a couple of weeks and has told me I can only fill up half my suitcase. I am really uncomfortable about it but I have told him in the past how I always take too much stuff so I have assumed this is kind of part of that.

The big one - when I look back - that really makes me shudder is the day I asked him to check with me first when he offered to his Ex that the children could come here while he was at work (she was stuck and couldn't find any childcare). He basically told me to leave! He said I didn't care about his children....

I am a bit depressed today about all this. I haven't had a good run with men - usually they were "broken" and it seemed DH was strong and able. I have gone from one extreme to the other I think. Sigh.

milknosugar's picture

There is something else

He has never ever said he was proud of me. I am a very good piano player. I am intelligent and I was recently given a high honour (medal) by the Government for services to business. When I told the children, he said "they give those out for flossing your teeth".

Ugh. I am googling God Complex.....

milknosugar's picture

Haha. Im just reading about it. NPD. It's him!! When he apologises, he says - "Im sorry you feel that way". lololol.

Not that funny really.

MamaBecky's picture

The next time he says "Im no good - you deserve better", I hope you have the strength to say "you are right, and I am leaving". But even if you dont, it is important that you do what is best for you to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy & happy. I am truly sorry that you have to deal with such a "man".