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Really? We aren't the flexible ones?

geeps's picture

So BM, who was out of SD4's lives completely for 6 months and very rarely saw them over the past year, has started seeing them EOWE. I do drop off/pick ups because the transition is easiest on the girls. Every time we make plans for when to meet it changes. She says "I can be there at 9am", then I get a text saying is 10am ok, I say yes and the next text is "I can't get them till 1pm now". Other times the pick up is at 8:30pm and I get a call at 7:45pm saying she is on her way and I need to be there by 8:00pm.

I have been flexible and flexible and flexible. To the point where I will jump into my car instantly to go get the girls. To the point where I will wait and wait and wait with the girls dressed, packed and ready to go as she keeps making the time later and later and later. DH is working now and I'm not, hence the reason I am the one doing the back and forth meetings with BM.

She is off work for the summer and told DH that she would pick them up today at noon (this was a week ago). Then two days ago she changed it to 4pm. Then yesterday she texted me to say she couldn't pick them up until 5pm. DH put his foot down and said she needed to be consistent with when she was going to pick them up and drop them off. Especially because it wasn't fair to me to wait around all the time.

I just dropped them off at the meeting spot and BM decides to lay into me (I asked her to shut the car doors so the girls wouldn't hear once she got started). She tells me DH needs to be more flexible and a good father. That this is all about the girls and he isn't being mature. She informs me she will send "US" a calendar of when "SHE" can do pick up and drop offs.

I nod my head saying, ok, ok, ok. Then go on to talk to her about the girls medical needs and that we having been having issues with the feeding pumps going off every 30 minutes during the night (explaining to her how to handle the problem). She says she has no sympathy for him/us (regarding their medical condition). This from a mother that willfully abandoned her children. From a woman who called me on Saturday night because she was sick and couldn't make the girls medications so I had to go to her house to do it for her! Ahhh! But I had to keep my mouth shut. I'm so frustrated.