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Realise now SD19yo is a pain in the a$$ too..

talia11's picture

I have never really had a problem with my SD but she clearly has alot of resentment towards DH (BM and me split before she was born and many years where they had no contact because BM moved and didn't tell DH where) and of late has been botching to SS15 who lives with us full time and whom I detest, about what a shite father he was/is to them but or DD3 is the favourite.

So I posted the other week about the family gathering on this weekend I didn't want to go to. SD19 and her boyfriend flew down yesterday from another state to go to the family gathering with DH, SS15 and DH's side of the family, I am home with DD3. So I drove about 2 hours each way to pick up SD19 and her BF from the airport, we went straight out to dinner with DH and SS15 when we got back home (DH had been at work hence me picking them up), paid over $200 for the whole dinner, gave her birthday presents (was her bd last month but we just keep the stuff till she got here) - and do you think, once, her or her boyfriend said thankyou???

Not after I picked them up, not after we paid for their dinner, not after she got her gift and I bet that she won't be bothered to say thankyou to DH for paying for the hotel up there for the family gathering or dropping them back at the airport tomorrow.

I know I shuldn't get pissed off, just makes me angry to think that we are going out of our way to make her feel welcome etc, yet she chooses to use us when she feels the need and bad-mouths us - to my asshole SS15 of all people!!

Delilah's picture

I know I shuldn't get pissed off


Um YES you SHOULD be pissed off, as that's incredibly rude and ignorant of them both. Where they both born in barn's or something?

Quite honestly I would be telling my DH to get ensure he has a word with "princess" about her attitude and the fact that if she continues HE will be shutting down the ATM and telling you to do the same (and that includes giving lifts etc).

You know now to stop making the effort, as appreciation costs NOTHING. Except with skids they feel like they lose face by saying thanks and so many kids stick their hands out while giving the bird with the other finger. Nah, sorry. Doesnt wash with me.