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Putting away childish ways being a big girl

SweetMom's picture

I'm working on 5 years of marriage with dh and put up with a lot of smart mouths, ex drama. When I had the miscarriages and hurt me & h bad. For while I felt that the In laws were glorifying h biological daughter and I felt like his friends were too. I would allow my step daughter to have her half sister over until her mouth got so smart and she said somethings about she was happy I had a miscarriage Infront of dh so we both stopped her from coming. At Christmas time something snapped in me at h friends when one of the wife's said something referring to h ex step daughter and she would go down memory lane way back when h was married to their mom.. I just snapped. I thought it was distasteful. Things got so bad that I literally lost it and threw the Christmas We all have our moments well I went stir dang crazy. Husband threw his Coke at me. Anyway, we made up and he told me the ex step daughter would come out to the car when he would drop his daughter off and the ex kid would cry. He said she wanted to come so bad. So I allowed her to come. This past week would be the 3 rd visit in the past two years. She stays In the room the entire time. She arranged to go off with her friends and be back at 10 and was late when coming back. She still does the secret videoing even though I told her not to video me. I am trying to be nice. I have noticed h biological d is nicer to me so that's a bonus because it makes my marriage a happier one. We finally all sat at dinner table for dinner and I listened to them bad talk their new step dad. I told them to give him a chance and to be happy their mother is happy and they said she's not happy. I finally told them I felt like they wanted me and my h to be divorced and their mom and him back together and they said no they are happy we are together. Then my ex h came to pick my son up and I told them to give their uncle a hug we all laughed because our life isn't normal. I didn't want that kid here and feel like h forced her down my throat. I hated my ex h had to come over and welcomes his self in and h and the ex is friendly with each other. I said said F it. F it whatever happens just is gonna happen. I feel for all step mothers because being the second wife isn't easy. I feel for their step dad because I know they give him hell. They said they aren't even allowed so much as to sit on their moms bed because their step dad says that's their moms and his time together. They all live In A small two car garage made into an apartment. Over here my house his spacious. I made my step daughter a beautiful room. I don't understand why would their mom marry a man that would move into a cramped up apartment but I'm glad she isn't In our hair. But listening them bad talk him only shows me that they bad talked me as well. I don't know what these peoples agenda is towards me and what they want. I myself want to be happy and want everyone else happy but it seems like if I'm happy they are not because they are not getting their way and if I'm miserable their lives are happy. I'm so greatful it's every other week and not every week or everyday I got to deal with these fruit loops. Then I get nervous that h bd says she wants to live with us because she hates her step dad. I hate other people's kids.

ldvilen's picture

So, can I ask, what does the title of your discussion topic refer to? Trying to get at what your question is or what you are looking for?