O/T - Shettles Method for conception
For anyone who doesn't know, it's a process of trying to conceive a child of a specific gender. I've been reading up on it since everything I've heard says it takes a few months of "practice" to get it right.
DH will be getting his reverse vasectomy done in 2 weeks; he could potentially have viable sperm counts as early as 16 weeks later (although that is VERY optimistic). I figured now would be a good time to start charting to before we're actually able to conceive.
Anyone use this? My SIL did and got the boy they wanted, but I don't know anyone else who's even tried.
I clearly would be happy with a baby of ANY gender, but DH and I really want to try for a boy. DH has two daughters already and really wants a son. Since he already has 2 kids, we're limited to the number we can have and still reasonably provide for. If we end up with a girl, I'd be perfectly okay with that too
Well, the odds of the
Well, the odds of the vasectomy reversal are one thing .. DH is still young and the doctors believe he's an ideal candidate. At his age, health, length of time since initial procedure, etc; the doctor we're seeing has about an 85% success rate of producing viable sperm within 12 months with patients of similar demographics.
Doesn't guarantee a pregnancy, of course.
As for the method of choosing the sex .. it's really just a process of monitoring your ovulation cycles. There are scientifically proven better days in your cycle to get pregnant with certain sexes. It can be used for a boy or a girl. There's no much stress to it, just primarily taking my temperature daily to identify peaks and valleys. The "method" was developed by the same doctor who went on to help innovate in-vitro fertilization. Exact statistics are hard, but many sources claim when done correctly, it's accurate up to 90% of the time.
At the end of the day, it's really about getting a healthy baby and we'd be thrilled with either.
Thanks for the well wishes though .. this is our first attempt, so I'm expecting it may be a fairly long journey
Oh, we're not THAT picky. If
Oh, we're not THAT picky. If it's a girl, I'd be just as happy
DH is not thrilled about the recovery period, but I'll be sure he sticks to it