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This one is NOT for virgin eyes...

BellaMia's picture

I need to vent. It's either I do that or I implode or pack up my car and drive into the sunset.

I hate it when...

... my SS11 smiles/laughs when he's being disciplined. It's such an incredible slap in the fucking FACE. He's all BUT telling his father and me that he could not care less about what the hell we have to say

... my SS7 tells me, "Um, did you know Dad was going to marry *ex-girlfriend? He almost married her! He really did!" Listen here, you little shit: I know about her, I know he dated her, and I don't give a damn. That relationship fizzled (not unlike the one he had with your bitch of a mother) and it ended. I, however, am here now so get over it.

... I look into SS11's room and see shit Eh-ver-ree-WHERE. Candy wrappers and half-empty bags of snacks (although he's been told he's not allowed to eat up there). Dirty AND clean clothes mixed up on the floor of his closet. A FILTHY bathroom (he has one all to himself). FH yells at him to clean it up, but it always ends up back that way within a matter of days.

... FH doesn't seem to think it's important to make SS11 accountable. If I didn't complain, take notice, remind, attend parent/teacher conferences, help with homework, test-taking, etc... SS (who was already held back once) would STILL be doing work on a (maybe) 3rd grade level. Until I spoke up, SS was languishing with his mother, failing tests and getting pushed through elementary school by the state. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut. My life would be a whole lot more quiet and simple.

...I can't find stuff. From cereal (he's hellbent on eating my Kashi AND his sugary bullshit) to the remote, he just does what he wants with stuff, without regard for anyone else. I really feel like he thinks he's gone from damn rags to riches and now he's going to soak up all of the stuff he can, but he doesn't want to do ANYTHING around the house or even do his schoolwork.

I'm just sick of it. My childless/unmarried girlfriend made a great point the other day. She basically said she doesn't nurture anyone because if she wanted to do that, she'd have a child. I know exactly what she meant and I am in the process of disengaging my ass off... It's just not worth the headache and heartache.

Totalybogus's picture

Now... do you feel better...LOL! Sometimes it really helps to just get it all out.