Never thought the flu would be a blessing!
Sooooo....tonight is DH's big family Christmas thing. All of his father's siblings get together, and all of the cousins (who are in their 50's, give or take 10 years) are fully expected to attend and watch the paint peel off of the wall. Fortunately for me, I've had the stomach flu for the past 3 days, so I knew I wouldn't be attending. This is one those things that I really really don't mind missing, and I gladly send DH off with my blessing.
Of course SD24, along with her two spawn and the father of the spawn are in town for the event. (apparently she thinks she will be getting gifts or something as it's the only time she shows up for anything). I am thinking I'm skipping out of one of the more miserable family events of the year, and am thinking the horrible stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrea of the past few days is a blessing in disguise. This morning, DH wakes up and says he doesn't feel well and he decides he's not going either. ??????!!!!! I truly can't believe he's missing an opportunity to spend quality time with his tattooed tramp of a daughter, especially in the company of his family where they can all enjoy her 250 pound butt crack whale tail tattoo. (she really is an embarrassment to everyone except her father who still sees her as the "little princess") And, ironically, DH just doesn't seem sick at all!
Go figure!
LMAO. hahahaha thank you for
hahahaha thank you for that.....butt crack whale tattoo.....hahahahaha!